[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/misc cust_main-import.cgi, 1.2, 1.3

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Tue Aug 15 07:20:53 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv26685/httemplate/misc

Modified Files:
Log Message:
add a new, extended CSV import format

Index: cust_main-import.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc/cust_main-import.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- cust_main-import.cgi	31 Jan 2006 04:26:54 -0000	1.2
+++ cust_main-import.cgi	15 Aug 2006 14:20:51 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,51 +1,65 @@
-<!-- mason kludge -->
 <%= include("/elements/header.html",'Batch Customer Import') %>
 <FORM ACTION="process/cust_main-import.cgi" METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
-Import a CSV file containing customer records.<BR><BR>
-Default file format is CSV, with the following field order: <i>cust_pkg.setup, dayphone, first, last, address1, address2, city, state, zip, comments</i><BR><BR>
-  #false laziness with edit/cust_main.cgi
-  my @agents = qsearch( 'agent', {} );
-  die "No agents created!" unless @agents;
-  my $agentnum = $agents[0]->agentnum; #default to first
+Import a CSV file containing customer records.
-  if ( scalar(@agents) == 1 ) {
+<!-- Simple file format is CSV, with the following field order: <i>cust_pkg.setup, dayphone, first, last, address1, address2, city, state, zip, comments</i>
+<BR><BR> -->
+Extended file format is CSV, with the following field order: <i>agent_custid, refnum[1], last, first, address1, address2, city, state, zip, country, daytime, night, ship_last, ship_first, ship_address1, ship_address2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_country, payinfo, paycvv, paydate, invoicing_list, pkgpart, username, _password</i>
+[1] This field has special treatment upon import: If a string is passed instead
+of an integer, the string is searched for and if necessary auto-created in the
+target table.
+<%= &ntable("#cccccc") %>
+<%= include('/elements/tr-select-agent.html', '', #$agentnum,
+              'label'       => "<B>Agent</B>",
+              'empty_label' => 'Select agent',
+           )
-    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="agentnum" VALUE="<%= $agentnum %>">
-<% } else { %>
-    <BR><BR>Agent <SELECT NAME="agentnum" SIZE="1">
-  <% foreach my $agent (sort { $a->agent cmp $b->agent } @agents) { %>
-    <OPTION VALUE="<%= $agent->agentnum %>" <%= " SELECTED"x($agent->agentnum==$agentnum) %>><%= $agent->agent %></OPTION>
-  <% } %>
-    </SELECT><BR><BR>
-<% } %>
-  my @referrals = qsearch('part_referral',{});
-  die "No advertising sources created!" unless @referrals;
-  my $refnum = $referrals[0]->refnum; #default to first
+  <TH ALIGN="right">Format</TH>
+  <TD>
+    <SELECT NAME="format">
+<!--      <OPTION VALUE="simple">Simple -->
+      <OPTION VALUE="extended" SELECTED>Extended
+    </SELECT>
+  </TD>
-  if ( scalar(@referrals) == 1 ) {
+  <TH ALIGN="right">CSV filename</TH>
+  <TD><INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="csvfile"></TD>
+<% #include('/elements/tr-select-part_referral.html')
-    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="refnum" VALUE="<%= $refnum %>">
-<% } else { %>
-    <BR><BR>Advertising source <SELECT NAME="refnum" SIZE="1">
-  <% foreach my $referral ( sort { $a->referral <=> $b->referral } @referrals) { %>
-    <OPTION VALUE="<%= $referral->refnum %>" <%= " SELECTED"x($referral->refnum==$refnum) %>><%= $referral->refnum %>: <%= $referral->referral %></OPTION>
-  <% } %>
-    </SELECT><BR><BR>
-<% } %>
-    First package: <SELECT NAME="pkgpart"><OPTION VALUE="">(none)</OPTION>
-<% foreach my $part_pkg ( qsearch('part_pkg',{'disabled'=>'' }) ) { %>
-     <OPTION VALUE="<%= $part_pkg->pkgpart %>"><%= $part_pkg->pkg. ' - '. $part_pkg->comment %></OPTION>
-<% } %>
+  <TH>First package</TH>
+  <TD>
+    <SELECT NAME="pkgpart"><OPTION VALUE="">(none)</OPTION>
+      <% foreach my $part_pkg ( qsearch('part_pkg',{'disabled'=>'' }) ) { %>
+       <OPTION VALUE="<%= $part_pkg->pkgpart %>"><%= $part_pkg->pkg. ' - '. $part_pkg->comment %></OPTION>
+      <% } %>
+    </SELECT>
+  </TD>
-    CSV Filename: <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="csvfile"><BR><BR>
-    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Import">
-    </FORM>
-  </BODY>
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Import">
+<%= include('/elements/footer.html') %>

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