[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/TicketSystem RT_External.pm, 1.22, 1.23

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sun Aug 13 03:26:00 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/TicketSystem
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv20875/FS/FS/TicketSystem

Modified Files:
Log Message:
customer view work:

DONE  1. add status and balance to top

DONE  2. add some sort of oldest date thing so the history doesn't get too
     big (# years and a link to "show older")

  3. make the rest of the action links into js popups?  maybe later,
     weird IENess when closing em
DONE (finished)    - so revert out or finish/commit the Enter check payment one
   - Process page can wait until another day.. it should be more of an *action*

DONE  4. Ticket list config knobs for wtxs (grid it too)

DONE  5. grid the package list

Index: RT_External.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/TicketSystem/RT_External.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -d -r1.22 -r1.23
--- RT_External.pm	1 May 2006 11:45:42 -0000	1.22
+++ RT_External.pm	13 Aug 2006 10:25:58 -0000	1.23
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 use FS::cust_main;
 FS::UID->install_callback( sub { 
-  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+  $conf = new FS::Conf;
   $default_queueid = $conf->config('ticket_system-default_queueid');
   $priority_field =
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   my( $from_sql, @param) = $self->_from_customer( $custnum, $priority );
   my $sql = "SELECT tickets.*, queues.name".
             ( length($priority) ? ", objectcustomfieldvalues.content" : '' ).
-            " $from_sql ORDER BY priority DESC LIMIT $limit";
+            " $from_sql ORDER BY priority, id DESC LIMIT $limit";
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr. "preparing $sql";
   $sth->execute(@param)         or die $sth->errstr. "executing $sql";
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
                     JOIN queues ON ( tickets.queue = queues.id )
                     JOIN links ON ( tickets.id = links.localbase )
-       WHERE ( status = 'new' OR status = 'open' OR status = 'stalled' )
+       WHERE ( ". join(' OR ', map "status = '$_'", $self->statuses ). " )
          AND target = 'freeside://freeside/cust_main/$custnum'
@@ -140,31 +140,44 @@
+sub statuses {
+  #my $self = shift;
+  my @statuses = grep { ! /^\s*$/ } $conf->config('cust_main-ticket_statuses');
+  @statuses = (qw( new open stalled )) unless scalar(@statuses);
+  @statuses;
 sub href_customer_tickets {
   my( $self, $custnum, $priority ) = @_;
-  my $href = $self->baseurl;
+  #my $href = $self->baseurl;
-  #i snarfed this from an RT bookmarked search, it could be unescaped in the
-  #source for readability and run through uri_escape
-  $href .= 
-    'Search/Results.html?Order=ASC&Query=%20MemberOf%20%3D%20%27freeside%3A%2F%2Ffreeside%2Fcust_main%2F'.
-    $custnum.
-    '%27%20%20AND%20%28%20Status%20%3D%20%27open%27%20%20OR%20Status%20%3D%20%27new%27%20%20OR%20Status%20%3D%20%27stalled%27%20%29%20'
+  #i snarfed this from an RT bookmarked search, then unescaped (some of) it with
+  #perl -npe 's/%([0-9A-F]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/eg;'
+  my $href .= 
+    "Search/Results.html?Order=ASC&".
+    "Query= MemberOf = 'freeside://freeside/cust_main/$custnum' ".
+    #" AND ( Status = 'open'  OR Status = 'new'  OR Status = 'stalled' )"
+    " AND ( ". join(' OR ', map "Status = '$_'", $self->statuses ). " ) "
   if ( defined($priority) && $field && $priority_field_queue ) {
-    $href .= 'AND%20Queue%20%3D%20%27'. $priority_field_queue. '%27%20';
+    $href .= " AND Queue = '$priority_field_queue' ";
   if ( defined($priority) && $field ) {
-    $href .= '%20AND%20%27CF.'. $field. '%27%20';
+    $href .= " AND 'CF.$field' ";
     if ( $priority ) {
-      $href .= '%3D%20%27'. $priority. '%27%20';
+      $href .= "= '$priority' ";
     } else {
-      $href .= 'IS%20%27NULL%27%20';
+      $href .= "IS 'NULL' "; #this is "RTQL", not SQL
+  #$href = 
+  uri_escape($href);
+  #eventually should unescape all of it...
   $href .= '&Rows=100'.
@@ -185,7 +198,10 @@
   $href .= '%20%0A%27%3Csmall%3E__ToldRelative__%3C%2Fsmall%3E%27%2C%20%0A%27%3Csmall%3E__LastUpdatedRelative__%3C%2Fsmall%3E%27%2C%20%0A%27%3Csmall%3E__TimeLeft__%3C%2Fsmall%3E%27';
-  $href;
+  #$href =
+  #uri_escape($href);
+  $self->baseurl. $href;

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