[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search report_cust_main-zip.html, NONE, 1.1 cust_main-zip.html, NONE, 1.1 cust_main.cgi, 1.60, 1.61

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Wed Apr 12 05:36:41 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv2564/httemplate/search

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	report_cust_main-zip.html cust_main-zip.html 
Log Message:
zip code report

--- NEW FILE: report_cust_main-zip.html ---
<%= include('/elements/header.html', 'Zip code report') %>

    <FORM ACTION="cust_main-zip.html" METHOD="GET">


        <TD ALIGN="right">Billing or service zip</TD>
          <SELECT NAME="column">
            <OPTION VALUE="zip">Billing zip
            <OPTION VALUE="ship_zip">Service zip

        <TD ALIGN="right">Ignore +4 for US zip codes</TD>
        <TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ignore_plus4" VALUE="yes" CHECKED> </TD>

        <TD ALIGN="right">Show customers with status:</TD>
          <SELECT NAME="status">
            <OPTION VALUE="">all
            <OPTION VALUE="prospect">prospect (no packages ever)
            <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="uncancel">all except cancelled
            <OPTION VALUE="active">active recurring packages
            <OPTION VALUE="susp">suspended
            <OPTION VALUE="cancel">cancelled

      <%= include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html',
                     'label' => 'for agent: ',

    <BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Report">

Index: cust_main.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/cust_main.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.60
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -d -r1.60 -r1.61
--- cust_main.cgi	21 May 2005 17:26:01 -0000	1.60
+++ cust_main.cgi	12 Apr 2006 12:36:39 -0000	1.61
@@ -102,18 +102,8 @@
              && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') )
      ) {
     #grep { $_->ncancelled_pkgs || ! $_->all_pkgs }
-    push @qual, "
-       ( 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg
-                      WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum
-                        AND ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL
-                              OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0
-                            )
-             )
-         OR 0 = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg
-                    WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum
-                )
-       )
-    ";
+    push @qual, FS::cust_main->uncancel_sql;
   push @qual, FS::cust_main->cancel_sql   if $cgi->param('cancelled');

--- NEW FILE: cust_main-zip.html ---

# XXX link to customers

my @where = ();

# select status

if ( $cgi->param('status') =~ /^(prospect|uncancel|active|susp|cancel)$/ ) {
  my $method = $1.'_sql';
  push @where, FS::cust_main->$method();

# select agent
# XXX this needs to be virtualized by agent too (like lots of stuff)

my $agentnum = '';
if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
  $agentnum = $1;
  push @where, "cust_main.agentnum = $agentnum";
my $where = scalar(@where) ? 'WHERE '. join(' AND ', @where) : '';

# bill zip vs ship zip

sub fieldorempty {
  my $field = shift;
  "CASE WHEN $field IS NULL THEN '' ELSE $field END";

sub strip_plus4 {
  my $field = shift;
  "CASE WHEN $field is NULL
    THEN ''
    ELSE CASE WHEN $field LIKE '_____-____'
           THEN SUBSTRING($field FROM 1 FOR 5)
           ELSE $field

my( $zip, $czip);
if ( $cgi->param('column') eq 'ship_zip' ) {

  my $casewhen_noship =
    "CASE WHEN ( ship_last IS NULL OR ship_last = '' ) THEN ";

  $czip = "$casewhen_noship zip ELSE ship_zip END";

  if ( $cgi->param('ignore_plus4') ) {
    $zip = $casewhen_noship. strip_plus4('zip').
                   " ELSE ". strip_plus4('ship_zip'). ' END';

  } else {
    $zip = $casewhen_noship. fieldorempty('zip').
                   " ELSE ". fieldorempty('ship_zip'). ' END';

} else {

  $czip = 'zip';

  if ( $cgi->param('ignore_plus4') ) {
    $zip = strip_plus4('zip');
  } else {
    $zip = fieldorempty('zip');


# construct the queries and send 'em off

my $sql_query = 
  "SELECT $zip AS zipcode,
          COUNT(*) AS num_cust
     FROM cust_main
     GROUP BY zipcode
     ORDER BY num_cust DESC

my $count_sql = "select count(distinct $czip) from cust_main $where";

# XXX should link...

%><%= include( 'elements/search.html',
                 'title'       => 'Zip code Search Results',
                 'name'        => 'zip codes',
                 'query'       => $sql_query,
                 'count_query' => $count_sql,
                 'header'      => [ 'Zip code', 'Customers', ],
                 #'fields'      => [ 'zip', 'num_cust', ],
                 'links'       => [ '', sub { 'somewhere'; }  ],

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