freeside/httemplate/browse agent.cgi,1.26,1.27

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Sat May 21 11:38:46 PDT 2005

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv3502

Modified Files:
Log Message:
make sure the customers tables for each agent line up with each other, too

Index: agent.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse/agent.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -d -r1.26 -r1.27
--- agent.cgi	21 May 2005 17:14:42 -0000	1.26
+++ agent.cgi	21 May 2005 18:38:43 -0000	1.27
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-<!-- mason kludge -->
   my %search;
@@ -11,7 +9,6 @@
 <%= header('Agent Listing', menubar(
   'Main Menu'   => $p,
   'Agent Types' => $p. 'browse/agent_type.cgi',
@@ -71,43 +68,43 @@
-              <TH ALIGN="right">
-                <%= my $num_prospect = $agent->num_prospect_cust_main %>
+              <TH ALIGN="right" WIDTH="40%">
+                <%= my $num_prospect = $agent->num_prospect_cust_main %>&nbsp;
-              <TD>&nbsp;
+              <TD>
                 <% if ( $num_prospect ) { %>
                   <A HREF="<%= $cust_main_link %>&prospect=1"><% } %>prospects<% if ($num_prospect ) { %></A><% } %>
-              <TH ALIGN="right">
+              <TH ALIGN="right" WIDTH="40%">
                 <FONT COLOR="#00CC00">
-                  <%= my $num_active = $agent->num_active_cust_main %>
+                  <%= my $num_active = $agent->num_active_cust_main %>&nbsp;
-              <TD>&nbsp;
+              <TD>
                 <% if ( $num_active ) { %>
                   <A HREF="<%= $cust_main_link %>&active=1"><% } %>active<% if ( $num_active ) { %></A><% } %>
-              <TH ALIGN="right">
+              <TH ALIGN="right" WIDTH="40%">
                 <FONT COLOR="#FF9900">
-                  <%= my $num_susp = $agent->num_susp_cust_main %>
+                  <%= my $num_susp = $agent->num_susp_cust_main %>&nbsp;
-              <TD>&nbsp;
+              <TD>
                 <% if ( $num_susp ) { %>
                   <A HREF="<%= $cust_main_link %>&suspended=1"><% } %>suspended<% if ( $num_susp ) { %></A><% } %>
-              <TH ALIGN="right">
+              <TH ALIGN="right" WIDTH="40%">
                 <FONT COLOR="#FF0000">
-                  <%= my $num_cancel = $agent->num_cancel_cust_main %>
+                  <%= my $num_cancel = $agent->num_cancel_cust_main %>&nbsp;
-              <TD>&nbsp;
+              <TD>
                 <% if ( $num_cancel ) { %>
                   <A HREF="<%= $cust_main_link %>&showcancelledcustomers=1&cancelled=1"><% } %>cancelled<% if ( $num_cancel ) { %></A><% } %>

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