freeside/httemplate/search cust_pay.cgi,1.16,1.17

ivan ivan at
Tue Mar 29 17:18:51 PST 2005

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv22500

Modified Files:
Log Message:
fix ambiguous column error when selecting by credit card, fixes: Bug#1189

Index: cust_pay.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- cust_pay.cgi	6 Mar 2005 03:04:29 -0000	1.16
+++ cust_pay.cgi	30 Mar 2005 01:18:47 -0000	1.17
@@ -19,20 +19,23 @@
        if ( $3 ) {
          if ( $3 eq 'VisaMC' ) {
            #avoid posix regexes for portability
-           push @search, " (    substring(payinfo from 1 for 1) = '4'  ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2) = '51' ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2) = '52' ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2) = '53' ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2) = '55' ".
-                         " ) ";
+           push @search,
+             " (    substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 1) = '4'  ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '51' ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '52' ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '53' ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '55' ".
+             " ) ";
          } elsif ( $3 eq 'Amex' ) {
-           push @search, " (    substring(payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '34' ".
-                         "   OR substring(payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '37' ".
-                         " ) ";
+           push @search,
+             " (    substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '34' ".
+             "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '37' ".
+             " ) ";
          } elsif ( $3 eq 'Discover' ) {
-           push @search, " substring(payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '6011' ";
+           push @search,
+             " substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '6011' ";
          } else {
            die "unknown card type $3";

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