freeside/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService ieak.template,NONE,1.1

ivan ivan at
Sat Mar 12 06:31:53 PST 2005

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv9831/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService

Added Files:
Log Message:
- bring prepaid support into this century (close: Bug#1124)
- finally get rid of fs_signup (everything is in fs_selfservice now) (Bug#413)
- organize main menu sysadmin section so it is slightly less confusing

--- NEW FILE: ieak.template ---
Entry_Name = The Internet
Phone_Number = { $exch. $loc }
Area_Code = { $ac }
Country_Code = 1
Country_Id = 1
Type = PPP
SW_Compress = Yes
PW_Encrypt = Yes
Negotiate_TCP/IP = Yes
Disable_LCP = No
Specify_IP_Address = No
Specity_Server_Address = No
IP_Header_Compress = Yes
Gateway_On_Remote = Yes
Name = { $username }
Password = { $password }
Display_Password = Yes
Email_Name = { $email_name }
Email_Address = { $username }\@domain.tld
POP_Server = mail.domain.tld
POP_Server_Port_Number = 110
POP_Login_Name = { $username }
POP_Login_Password = { $password }
SMTP_Server = mail.domain.tld
SMTP_Server_Port_Number = 25
Install_Mail = 1
NNTP_Server = news.domain.tld
NNTP_Server_Port_Number = 119
Logon_Required = No
Install_News = 1
Window_Title = The Internet

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