freeside/httemplate/elements/qlib box.js,NONE,1.1 boxctrl.js,NONE,1.1 boxres.js,NONE,1.1 button.js,NONE,1.1 buttonres.js,NONE,1.1 control.js,NONE,1.1 counter.js,NONE,1.1 imagelist.js,NONE,1.1 label.js,NONE,1.1 messagebox.js,NONE,1.1 progress.js,NONE,1.1 sound.js,NONE,1.1 sprite.js,NONE,1.1 window.js,NONE,1.1 wndctrl.js,NONE,1.1
ivan at
Thu Jan 27 02:21:25 PST 2005
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/qlib
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv11805/httemplate/elements/qlib
Added Files:
box.js boxctrl.js boxres.js button.js buttonres.js control.js
counter.js imagelist.js label.js messagebox.js progress.js
sound.js sprite.js window.js wndctrl.js
Log Message:
DHTML progress bar for glacial rate adding and editing, closes: Bug#1100
--- NEW FILE: button.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Button Control
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QButton_update() {
with (this) {
image.src = ((!enabled && res.imgD) || (value ? res.imgP : res.imgN)).src;
function QButton_doEvent() {
with (this) {
if (enabled) {
if ( == 1) {
this.value = value ? 0 : 1;
onClick(value, tag);
return false;
function QButton_enable(state) {
this.enabled = state;
function QButton_set(value) {
if (this.enabled) {
this.value = value ? 1 : 0;
return true;
function QButton(parent, name, res, tooltip) {
this.init(parent, name);
if (res) {
this.res = res;
this.tip = tooltip || "";
this.enabled = true;
this.value = 0;
this.set = QButton_set;
this.enable = QButton_enable;
this.update = QButton_update;
this.doEvent = QButton_doEvent;
this.onClick = QControl.event;
with (this) {
document.write('<a href="#" hidefocus="true" unselectable="on"' +
(tip ? ' title="' + tip + '"' : '') + ' onClick="return ' + name +
'.doEvent()" onMouseOver="' + ( == 2 ? name + '.set(1);' : '') +
'' + name + '.tip;return true" onMouseOut="' +
(! || ( == 2) ? name + '.set();' : '') + '\'\'"' +
(! ? ' onMouseDown="return ' + name + '.set(1)" onMouseUp="return ' + name + '.set()"' : '') +
'><img class="qbutton" name="' + id + '" src="' + res.imgN.src + '" border="0" width="' +
res.width + '" height="' + res.height + '"></a>');
this.image = document.images[id] || new Image(1, 1);
} else {
this.document.write("invalid resource");
QButton.prototype = new QControl();
QButton.NORMAL = 0;
QButton.CHECKBOX = 1;
QButton.WEB = 2;
QButton.SIGNAL = 3;
--- NEW FILE: wndctrl.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Window Abstraction
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QWndCtrl_center_ie4() {
var b = this.document.body;
this.moveTo(b.scrollLeft + Math.max(0, Math.floor((b.clientWidth -
this.width) / 2)), b.scrollTop + 100);
function QWndCtrl_center_moz() {
this.moveTo(self.pageXOffset + Math.max(0, Math.floor((self.innerWidth -
this.width) / 2)), self.pageYOffset + 100);
function QWndCtrl_setEffects_ie4(fx) {
this.effects = fx;
with (this.wnd) {
filters[0].enabled = (fx & 256) != 0;
filters[1].enabled = (fx & 512) != 0;
filters[2].enabled = (fx & 1024) != 0;
filters[4].enabled = (fx & 2048) != 0;
function QWndCtrl_setEffects_moz(fx) {
this.effects = fx;
function QWndCtrl_setOpacity_ie4(op) {
this.opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, Math.floor(op - 0)));
this.wnd.filters[3].opacity = this.opacity;
this.wnd.filters[3].enabled = (this.opacity < 100);
function QWndCtrl_setOpacity_moz(op) {
this.opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, Math.floor(op - 0))); = this.opacity + "%";
function QWndCtrl_setSize_css(w, h) { = (this.width = Math.floor(w - 0)) + "px"; = typeof(h) == "number" ? (this.height = Math.floor(h)) + "px" : "auto";
function QWndCtrl_setSize_ns4(w, h) {
this.wnd.clip.width = this.width = Math.floor(w - 0);
if (typeof(h) == "number") {
this.wnd.clip.height = this.height = Math.floor(h);
function QWndCtrl_focus() {
function QWndCtrl_setZIndex_css(z) { = this.zindex = z || 0;
function QWndCtrl_setZIndex_ns4(z) {
this.wnd.zIndex = this.zindex = z || 0;
function QWndCtrl_moveTo_css(x, y) { = (this.x = Math.floor(x - 0)) + "px"; = (this.y = Math.floor(y - 0)) + "px";
function QWndCtrl_moveTo_ns4(x, y) {
this.wnd.moveTo(this.x = Math.floor(x - 0), this.y = Math.floor(y - 0));
function QWndCtrl_fxhandler() {
this.fxhandler = QControl.nop;
this.onShow(this.visible, this.tag);
function QWndCtrl_show_ie4(show) {
if (this.visible != show) {
var fx = false;
switch (show ? this.effects & 15 : (this.effects & 240) >>> 4) {
case 1:
fx = this.wnd.filters[5];
case 2:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = show ? 1 : 0;
case 3:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = show ? 3 : 2;
case 4:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = show ? 5 : 4;
case 5:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = show ? 14 : 13;
case 6:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = show ? 16 : 15;
case 7:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = 12;
case 8:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = 8;
case 9:
(fx = this.wnd.filters[6]).transition = 9;
if (fx) {
fx.apply(); = (this.visible = show) ? "visible" : "hidden";
this.fxhandler = QWndCtrl_fxhandler;;
} else { = (this.visible = show) ? "visible" : "hidden";
this.onShow(show, this.tag);
function QWndCtrl_fade_moz(op, step) {
this._wndt = false;
if (step) {
op += step;
if ((op > 0) && (op < this.opacity)) { = op + "%";
this._wndt = setTimeout( + ".fade(" + op + "," + step + ")", 50);
} else {
if (op <= 0) { = "hidden";
this.visible = false;
} = this.opacity + "%";
this.onShow(this.visible, this.tag);
function QWndCtrl_show_moz(show) {
if (this.visible != show) {
if (this._wndt) {
this._wndt = false;
var step = show ? ((this.effects & 15) == 1) && Math.floor(this.opacity / 5) :
((this.effects & 240) == 16) && -Math.floor(this.opacity / 5);
if (step) {
if (this.visible) {
this.fade(this.opacity - 0, step);
} else { = "0%"; = "visible";
this.visible = true;
this.fade(0, step);
} else { = (this.visible = show) ? "visible" : "hidden";
this.onShow(show, this.tag);
function QWndCtrl_show_css(show) {
if (this.visible != show) { = (this.visible = show) ? "visible" : "hidden";
this.onShow(show, this.tag);
function QWndCtrl_show_ns4(show) {
if (this.visible != show) {
this.wnd.visibility = (this.visible = show) ? "show" : "hidden";
this.onShow(show, this.tag);
function QWndCtrl_create_dom2() {
with (this) {
this.fxhandler = QControl.nop;
var ie4 = document.body && document.body.filters;
var moz = document.body && &&
typeof( == "string";
document.write('<div unselectable="on" id="' + id +
(ie4 ? '" onfilterchange="' + name + '.fxhandler()': '') +
'" style="position:absolute;left:' + x + 'px;top:' + y +
'px;width:' + width + (height != null ? 'px;height:' + height : '') +
'px;visibility:' + (visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden') +
';overflow:hidden' + (zindex ? ';z-index:' + zindex : '') +
(ie4 ? ';filter:Gray(enabled=' + (effects & 256 ? '1' : '0') +
') Xray(enabled=' + (effects & 512 ? '1' : '0') +
') Invert(enabled=' + (effects & 1024 ? '1' : '0') +
') alpha(enabled=' + (opacity < 100 ? '1' : '0') + ',opacity=' + opacity +
') shadow(enabled=' + (effects & 2048 ? '1' : '0') +
',direction=135) BlendTrans(enabled=0) RevealTrans(enabled=0)' : '') +
(moz && (opacity < 100) ? ';-moz-opacity:' + opacity + '%' : '') +
'"><div unselectable="on" class="qwindow">');
if (typeof(content) == "function") {
} else {
if (this.wnd = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(id) :
(document.all.item ? document.all.item(id) : document.all[id])) {
if ( {
ie4 = ie4 && wnd.filters;
moz = moz && typeof( == "string";
this.moveTo = QWndCtrl_moveTo_css;
this.setZIndex = QWndCtrl_setZIndex_css;
this.focus = QWndCtrl_focus;
this.setSize = QWndCtrl_setSize_css; = ie4 ? QWndCtrl_show_ie4 : (moz ? QWndCtrl_show_moz : QWndCtrl_show_css);
this.fade = moz ? QWndCtrl_fade_moz : QControl.nop;
this.setOpacity = ie4 ? QWndCtrl_setOpacity_ie4 : (moz ? QWndCtrl_setOpacity_moz : QControl.nop);
this.setEffects = ie4 ? QWndCtrl_setEffects_ie4 : (moz ? QWndCtrl_setEffects_moz : QControl.nop); = self.innerWidth ? QWndCtrl_center_moz :
(document.body && document.body.clientWidth ? QWndCtrl_center_ie4 : QControl.nop);
function QWndCtrl_create_ns4(finalize) {
with (this) {
if (finalize) {
if (_wnde) {
parent.window.onload = _wnde;
document.write('<div class="qwindow">');
} else {
document.write('<layer id="' + id + '" left="' + x + '" top="' + y +
'" width="' + width + '" visibility="' + (visible ? 'show' : 'hidden') +
(height != null ? '" height="' + height + '" clip="' + width + ',' + height : '') +
(zindex ? '" z-index="' + zindex : '') + (typeof(content) != "function" ?
'"><div class="qwindow">' + content + '</div></layer>' : '"> </layer>'));
if (this.window = this.wnd = document.layers[id]) {
if (this.document = wnd.document) { = QWndCtrl_show_ns4;
this.moveTo = QWndCtrl_moveTo_ns4;
this.setZIndex = QWndCtrl_setZIndex_ns4;
this.focus = QWndCtrl_focus; = QWndCtrl_center_moz;
this.setSize = QWndCtrl_setSize_ns4;
if (typeof(content) == "function") {
this._wnde = parent.window.onload;
parent.window.onload = new Function(name + ".create(true)");
function QWndCtrl_create_na() {
this.document.write('Object is not supported.');
this.wnd = null;
function QWndCtrl_create() {
with (this) {
this.create = (document.getElementById || document.all) ? QWndCtrl_create_dom2 :
(document.layers ? QWndCtrl_create_ns4 : QWndCtrl_create_na);
function QWndCtrl() {
this.x = this.y = 0;
this.width = this.height = 0;
this.content = "";
this.visible = true;
this.effects = 0;
this.opacity = 100;
this.zindex = null;
this._wndt = this._wnde = false;
this.create = QWndCtrl_create; = QControl.nop;
this.focus = QControl.nop; = QControl.nop;
this.moveTo = QControl.nop;
this.setSize = QControl.nop;
this.setOpacity = QControl.nop;
this.setEffects = QControl.nop;
this.setZIndex = QControl.nop;
this.onShow = QControl.event;
QWndCtrl.prototype = new QControl();
QWndCtrl.TOPZINDEX = 1000;
QWndCtrl.GRAY = 256;
QWndCtrl.XRAY = 512;
QWndCtrl.INVERT = 1024;
QWndCtrl.SHADOW = 2048;
QWndCtrl.FADEIN = 1;
QWndCtrl.FADEOUT = 16;
QWndCtrl.BOXIN = 2;
QWndCtrl.BOXOUT = 32;
QWndCtrl.CIRCLEIN = 3;
QWndCtrl.CIRCLEOUT = 48;
QWndCtrl.WIPEIN = 4;
QWndCtrl.WIPEOUT = 64;
QWndCtrl.HBARNIN = 5;
QWndCtrl.HBARNOUT = 80;
QWndCtrl.VBARNIN = 6;
QWndCtrl.VBARNOUT = 96;
QWndCtrl.HBLINDSOUT = 128;
QWndCtrl.VBLINDSOUT = 144;
--- NEW FILE: label.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Text Label
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QLabel_set_ie(value) {
this.label.innerText = (this.value = value) || "\xA0";
function QLabel_set_dom2(value) {
with (this.label) {
replaceChild(this.document.createTextNode((this.value = value) || "\xA0"), firstChild);
function QLabel_set_ns4(value) {
this.value = value || "";
with (this) {;
document.write('<div class="qlabel">' + (clickable ? '<a href="#" title="' + tooltip + '" onClick="return ' +
name + '.doEvent()" onMouseOut="\'\'" onMouseOver="' + name +
'.tooltip;return true">' + value + '</a>' : value) + '</div>');
function QLabel_doEvent() {
this.onClick(this.value, this.tag);
return false;
function QLabel(parent, name, value, clickable, tooltip) {
this.init(parent, name);
this.value = value || "";
this.clickable = clickable || false;
this.tooltip = tooltip || "";
this.doEvent = QLabel_doEvent;
this.onClick = QControl.event;
with (this) {
if (document.getElementById || document.all) {
document.write(clickable ? '<div class="qlabel" unselectable="on"><a id="' + id + '" href="#" title="' +
tooltip + '" onClick="return ' + name + '.doEvent()" onMouseOver="' + name +
'.tooltip;return true" onMouseOut="\'\'" hidefocus="true" unselectable="on">' +
(value || ' ') + '</a></div>' : '<div id="' + id + '" class="qlabel" unselectable="on">' +
(value || ' ') + '</div>');
this.label = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(id) :
(document.all.item ? document.all.item(id) : document.all[id]);
this.set = (label && (label.innerText ? QLabel_set_ie :
(label.replaceChild && QLabel_set_dom2))) || QControl.nop;
} else if (document.layers) {
var suffix = "";
for (var j=value.length; j<QLabel.TEXTQUOTA; j++) suffix += " ";
document.write('<div><ilayer id="i' + id + '"><layer id="' + id + '"><div class="qlabel">' +
(clickable ? '<a href="#" title="' + tooltip + '" onClick="return ' + name +
'.doEvent()" onMouseOver="' + name +
'.tooltip;return true" onMouseOut="\'\'">' + value + suffix + '</a>' :
value + suffix) + '</div></layer></ilayer></div>');
this.label = (this.label = document.layers["i" + id]) && label.document.layers[id];
this.document = label && label.document;
this.set = (label && document) ? QLabel_set_ns4 : QControl.nop;
} else {
document.write("Object is not supported");
QLabel.prototype = new QControl();
QLabel.TEXTQUOTA = 50;
--- NEW FILE: boxres.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Box Resource
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QBoxRes(t, r, b, l, tc, tr, mr, br, bc, bl, ml, tl, bgcolor, bgtile, effects, opacity) {
var args = QBoxRes.arguments.length;
this.T = t;
this.R = r;
this.B = b;
this.L = l;
this.TC = new Image();
this.TC.src = tc;
this.TR = new Image(r, t);
this.TR.src = tr;
this.MR = new Image();
this.MR.src = mr;
this.BR = new Image(r, b);
this.BR.src = br;
this.BC = new Image();
this.BC.src = bc;
this.BL = new Image(l, b);
this.BL.src = bl;
this.ML = new Image();
this.ML.src = ml;
this.TL = new Image(l, t);
this.TL.src = tl;
this.bgcolor = bgcolor || "#FFFFFF";
if (bgtile) {
this.bgtile = new Image();
this.bgtile.src = bgtile;
} else {
this.bgtile = false;
this.effects = (args > 13) ? effects : null;
this.opacity = (args > 14) ? opacity : null;
--- NEW FILE: imagelist.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 ImageList Resource
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QImageList(width, height) {
var len = QImageList.arguments.length - 2;
if (len > 0) {
this.list = new Array(len);
this.length = len;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
var im;
for (var j=0; j<len; j++) {
im = new Image(width, height);
im.src = QImageList.arguments[j + 2];
this.list[j] = im;
--- NEW FILE: counter.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Animated Digital Counter
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QCounter_update() {
with (this) {
var v = Math.max(value, 0);
var mod;
for (var j=0; j<size; j++) {
mod = Math.floor(v % 10);
images[j].src = (v >= 1) || (!j) ? res.list[mod].src : res.list[10].src;
v /= 10;
function QCounter_count(value, step) {
this._cntt = false;
this.value += step;
if ((step * (this.value - value)) >= 0) {
this.value = value - 0; // convert to number
} else {
this._cntt = setTimeout( + ".count(" + value + "," + step + ")", 50);
function QCounter_set(value) {
this.setval = value;
if (value != this.value) {
if (this._cntt) {
this._cntt = false;
var dv = value - this.value;
if (this.effect == 2) {
dv = dv / Math.min(10, Math.abs(dv));
} else if (this.effect == 3) {
dv = dv / Math.abs(dv);
this.count(value, dv);
function QCounter(parent, name, res, size, effect) {
this.init(parent, name);
if (res) {
this.res = res;
this.setval = this.value = 0;
this.size = size || 4;
this.effect = effect || 2;
this._cntt = false;
this.images = new Array(this.size);
this.set = QCounter_set;
this.update = QCounter_update;
this.count = QCounter_count;
with (this) {
document.write('<table class="qcounter" width="' + (res.width * size) + '" height="' + res.height +
'" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" unselectable="on"><tr>');
for (var j=(size - 1); j>=0; j--) {
document.write('<td width="' + res.width + '" height="' + res.height +
'" unselectable="on"><img name="' + id + j + '" src="' + (j ? res.list[10].src : res.list[0].src) +
'" border="0" width="' + res.width + '" height="' + res.height + '"></td>');
images[j] = document.images[id + j] || new Image(1, 1);
} else {
this.document.write("invalid resource");
QCounter.prototype = new QControl();
QCounter.INSTANT = 1;
QCounter.FAST = 2;
QCounter.SLOW = 3;
--- NEW FILE: progress.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Progress Control
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QProgress_update() {
with (this) {
var i = low;
for (var j=0; j<size; j++) {
images[j].src = i < value ? imgsrc1 : imgsrc0;
i += delta;
function QProgress_set(value) {
this.value = value - 0;
function QProgress_setBounds(low, high) {
this.low = Math.min(low, high);
this.high = Math.max(low, high); = (this.high - this.low) / this.size;
function QProgress(parent, name, res, size, style) {
this.init(parent, name);
if (res) {
this.res = res;
this.value = 0;
this.low = 0;
this.high = 100;
this.size = size || 10; = 100 / this.size; = style || 0;
this.images = new Array(this.size);
this.imgsrc0 = res.list[0] && res.list[0].src;
this.imgsrc1 = res.list[1] && res.list[1].src;
this.set = QProgress_set;
this.update = QProgress_update;
this.setBounds = QProgress_setBounds;
with (this) {
var hor = < 2;
var rev = % 2;
document.write('<table class="qprogress" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" unselectable="on" ' +
(hor ? 'width="' + (size * res.width) + '" height="' + res.height + '"><tr>' : 'width="' + res.width +
'" height="' + (size * res.height) + '">'));
for (var j=0; j<size; j++) {
document.write((hor ? '' : '<tr>') + '<td width="' + res.width + '" height="' + res.height +
'" unselectable="on"><img name="' + id + (rev ? size - j - 1 : j) + '" src="' + res.list[0].src +
'" border="0" width="' + res.width + '" height="' + res.height + '"></td>' + (hor ? '' : '</tr>'));
document.write((hor ? '</tr>' : '') + '</table>');
for (var j=0; j<size; j++) {
images[j] = document.images[id + j] || new Image(1, 1);
} else {
this.document.write("invalid resource");
QProgress.prototype = new QControl();
QProgress.NORMAL = 0;
QProgress.REVERSE = 1;
QProgress.FALL = 2;
QProgress.RISE = 3;
--- NEW FILE: window.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Window Control
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QWindow(parent, name, x, y, width, height, content, visible, effects, opacity, zindex) {
this.init(parent, name);
this.x = x - 0;
this.y = y - 0;
this.width = width - 0;
this.height = (typeof(height) == "number") ? height : null;
this.content = content;
var j = QWindow.arguments.length;
this.visible = (j > 7) ? visible : true;
this.effects = (j > 8) ? effects : 0;
this.opacity = (j > 9) ? opacity : 100;
this.zindex = (j > 10) ? zindex : null;
QWindow.prototype = new QWndCtrl();
--- NEW FILE: box.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Box Control
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QBox(parent, name, res, x, y, width, height, body, visible, effects, opacity, zindex) {
this.init(parent, name);
if (this.res = res) {
this.x = x - 0;
this.y = y - 0;
this.width = width - 0;
this.height = (typeof(height) == "number") ? height : null;
this.body = body || " ";
var j = QBox.arguments.length;
this.visible = (j > 8) ? visible : true;
this.effects = (j > 9) ? effects : (res.effects || 0);
this.opacity = (j > 10) ? opacity : (res.opacity != null ? res.opacity : 100);
this.zindex = (j > 11) ? zindex : null;
} else {
this.document.write("invalid resource");
QBox.prototype = new QBoxCtrl();
--- NEW FILE: control.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Base Abstract Control
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QControl_init(parent, name) {
this.parent = parent || self;
this.window = (parent && parent.window) || self;
this.document = (parent && parent.document) || self.document; = (parent && ? ( + "." + name) : ("self." + name); = "Q";
var h = this.hash(;
for (var j=0; j<8; j++) { += QControl.HEXTABLE.charAt(h & 15);
h >>>= 4;
function QControl_hash(str) {
var h = 0;
if (str) {
for (var j=str.length-1; j>=0; j--) {
h ^= QControl.ANTABLE.indexOf(str.charAt(j)) + 1;
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
var m = (h = h<<7 | h>>>25) & 150994944;
h ^= m ? (m == 150994944 ? 1 : 0) : 1;
return h;
function QControl_nop() {
function QControl() {
this.init = QControl_init;
this.hash = QControl_hash;
this.window = self;
this.document = self.document;
this.tag = null;
QControl.ANTABLE = "w5Q2KkFts3deLIPg8Nynu_JAUBZ9YxmH1XW47oDpa6lcjMRfi0CrhbGSOTvqzEV";
QControl.HEXTABLE = "0123456789ABCDEF";
QControl.nop = QControl_nop;
QControl.event = QControl_nop;
--- NEW FILE: sprite.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Sprite Object
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QSprite_load(src) {
if (src) {
this.face = new Image(this.cwidth, this.cheight);
this.face.src = src;
this.valid = false;
function QSprite_show(show) {
if (show && !this.valid && this.face.complete) {
this._img.src = this.face.src;
this.valid = true;
function QSprite_moveTo(x, y) {
this._move(x, y);
function QSprite_slideTo(x, y) {
if (this.visible) {
this.doSlide(++this._spro, x, y);
} else {
this.moveTo(x, y);
function QSprite_shake() {
if (this.visible) {
this.doShake(++this._spro, 0, this.x, this.y);
function QSprite_stop() {
if (this._sprt) {
this._sprt = false;
function QSprite_doSlide(id, x, y) {
if (this._spro == id) {
this._sprt = false;
var dx = Math.round(x - this.x);
var dy = Math.round(y - this.y);
if (dx || dy) {
if (dx) dx = dx > 0 ? Math.ceil(dx/4) : Math.floor(dx/4);
if (dy) dy = dy > 0 ? Math.ceil(dy/4) : Math.floor(dy/4);
this._move(this.x + dx, this.y + dy);
this._sprt = setTimeout( + ".doSlide(" + id + "," + x + "," + y + ")", 30);
} else {
this._move(x, y);
function QSprite_doShake(id, phase, x, y) {
if (this._spro == id) {
this._sprt = false;
if (phase < 20) {
var m = 3 * Math.sin(.16 * phase);
this._move(x + m * Math.sin(phase), y + m * Math.cos(phase));
this._sprt = setTimeout( + ".doShake(" + id + "," + (++phase) + "," + x + "," + y + ")", 20);
} else {
this._move(x, y);
function QSprite_doClick() {
if (!this._sprt) {
return false;
function QSprite(parent, name, x, y, width, height, src, visible, effects, opacity, zindex) {
this.init(parent, name);
this.x = x - 0;
this.y = y - 0;
this.width = (this.cwidth = width - 0) + 8;
this.height = (this.cheight = height - 0) + 8;
var j = QSprite.arguments.length;
this.visible = (j > 7) ? visible : true;
this.effects = (j > 8) ? effects : 0;
this.opacity = (j > 9) ? opacity : 100;
this.zindex = (j > 10) ? zindex : null;
this.valid = !!src;
this.content = '<a href="#" title="" onclick="return false" onmousedown="return ' + +
'.doClick()" onmouseover="\'\';return true" hidefocus="true" unselectable="on"><img name="' + + '" src="' + (src || '') + '" border="0" width="' + this.cwidth + '" height="' + this.cheight +
'" alt="" unselectable="on"></a>';
this.doClick = QSprite_doClick;
this.doSlide = QSprite_doSlide;
this.doShake = QSprite_doShake;
this.onClick = QControl.event;
this.face = this._img = this.document.images[] || new Image(1, 1);
this._spro = 0;
this._sprt = false;
this._show =;
this._move = this.moveTo;
this.load = QSprite_load; = QSprite_show;
this.moveTo = QSprite_moveTo;
this.slideTo = QSprite_slideTo;
this.shake = QSprite_shake;
this.stop = QSprite_stop;
QSprite.prototype = new QWndCtrl();
--- NEW FILE: messagebox.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Message Box Control
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QMessageBox_alert(msg) {
if (typeof(msg) == "string") {
this.label.set(this.value = msg);
function QMessageBox_close() {
with (this.parent) {
if (!onClose(tag)) show(false);
function QMessageBox_body() {
with (this) {
document.write('<table border="0" width="' + cwidth + '"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" unselectable="on">');
this.label = new QLabel(this, "label", value);
document.write('</td></tr><tr><td height="' + (bres.height + 14) + '" align="center" valign="bottom" unselectable="on">');
this.button = new QButton(this, "button", bres, "Close");
button.onClick = QMessageBox_close;
function QMessageBox(parent, name, box, btn, msg, effects, opacity) {
this.init(parent, name);
if ((this.res = box) && (this.bres = btn)) {
this.value = typeof(msg) == "string" ? msg : "";
this.width = Math.max(200, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(555 * this.value.length)));
this.height = null;
this.x = this.y = 0;
this.visible = false;
this.zindex = null;
this.body = QMessageBox_body;
var j = QMessageBox.arguments.length;
this.effects = j > 5 ? effects : (box.effects != null ? box.effects : 0);
this.opacity = j > 6 ? opacity : (box.opacity != null ? box.opacity : 100);
this.alert = QMessageBox_alert;
this.onClose = QControl.event;
} else {
this.document.write("invalid resource");
QMessageBox.prototype = new QBoxCtrl();
--- NEW FILE: buttonres.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Button Resource
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QButtonRes(style, width, height, normal, pressed, disabled) { = style;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.imgN = new Image(width, height);
this.imgN.src = normal;
this.imgP = new Image(width, height);
this.imgP.src = pressed;
if (disabled) {
this.imgD = new Image(width, height);
this.imgD.src = disabled;
--- NEW FILE: boxctrl.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Box Abstraction
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QBoxCtrl_content() {
with (this) {
if (res) {
this.cwidth = width - res.L - res.R - 8;
this.cheight = height && (height - res.T - res.B - 8);
var ec = '"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td>';
document.write('<table class="qbox" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="' +
(width - 8) + (height != null ? '" height="' + (height - 8) : '') + '"><tr><td width="' +
res.L + '" height="' + res.T + '"><img src="' + res.TL.src + '" border="0" width="' +
res.L + '" height="' + res.T + '"></td><td width="' + cwidth + '" height="' + res.T +
'" background="' + res.TC.src + ec + '<td width="' + res.R + '" height="' + res.T +
'"><img src="' + res.TR.src + '" border="0" width="' + res.R + '" height="' + res.T +
'"></td></tr><tr><td width="' + res.L + (cheight != null ? '" height="' + cheight : '') +
'" background="' + res.ML.src + ec + '<td width="' + cwidth + '" bgcolor="' + res.bgcolor +
(cheight != null ? '" height="' + cheight : '') + (res.bgtile ? '" background="' +
res.bgtile.src : '') + '" align="left" valign="top" class="body" unselectable="on">');
if (typeof(body) == "function") {
} else {
document.write('</td><td width="' + res.R + (cheight != null ? '" height="' + cheight : '') +
'" background="' + res.MR.src + ec + '</tr><tr><td width="' + res.L + '" height="' + res.B +
'"><img src="' + res.BL.src + '" border="0" width="' + res.L + '" height="' + res.B +
'"></td><td width="' + cwidth + '" height="' + res.B + '" background="' + res.BC.src + ec +
'<td width="' + res.R + '" height="' + res.B + '"><img src="' + res.BR.src +
'" border="0" width="' + res.R + '" height="' + res.B + '"></td></tr></table><br>');
function QBoxCtrl() {
this.res = false;
this.body = " ";
this.cwidth = this.cheight = 0;
this.content = QBoxCtrl_content;
QBoxCtrl.prototype = new QWndCtrl();
--- NEW FILE: sound.js ---
* QLIB 1.0 Preloaded Sound
* Copyright (C) 2002 2003, Serge Dolgov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
function QSound_play(loop) {
this._out.loop = loop || 0;
this._out.src = this._buf.src;
function QSound_stop() {
this._out.loop = 0;
this._out.src = "";
function QSound_setVolume(volume) {
this._out.volume = this.volume = volume;
function QSound(parent, name, src, volume) {
this.init(parent, name);
this.volume = volume || 0; = this.stop = this.setVolume = QControl.nop;
with (this) {
document.write('<bgsound id="' + id + '" src="" volume="' + volume + '">');
if (document.all && document.all.item) {
this._out = document.all.item(id);
if (_out && (typeof _out.src != "undefined") && (_out.volume === volume)) {
document.write('<bgsound id="b' + id + '" src="' + src + '" volume="-10000">');
this._buf = document.all.item("b" + id);
if (_buf) { = QSound_play;
this.stop = QSound_stop;
this.setVolume = QSound_setVolume;
_out.onreadystatechange = new Function("alert(0)");
QSound.prototype = new QControl();
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