[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Schema.pm, 1.1, 1.2 banned_pay.pm, NONE, 1.1 cancel_reason.pm, NONE, 1.1 cust_main.pm, 1.192, 1.193

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sat Aug 27 01:46:59 PDT 2005

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv13629/FS/FS

Modified Files:
	Schema.pm cust_main.pm 
Added Files:
	banned_pay.pm cancel_reason.pm 
Log Message:
add banned credit card / ACH table, re-do cancel popup to have a checkbox to ban payinfo

--- NEW FILE: cancel_reason.pm ---
package FS::cancel_reason;

use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA );
use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );

@ISA = qw(FS::Record);

=head1 NAME

FS::cancel_reason - Object methods for cancel_reason records


  use FS::cancel_reason;

  $record = new FS::cancel_reason \%hash;
  $record = new FS::cancel_reason { 'column' => 'value' };

  $error = $record->insert;

  $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);

  $error = $record->delete;

  $error = $record->check;


An FS::cancel_reason object represents an cancellation reason.
FS::cancel_reason inherits from FS::Record.  The following fields are
currently supported:

=over 4

=item reasonnum - primary key

=item reason - 

=item disabled - empty or "Y"


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item new HASHREF

Creates a new cancellation reason.  To add the reason to the database, see

Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it
points to.  You can ask the object for a copy with the I<hash> method.


# the new method can be inherited from FS::Record, if a table method is defined

sub table { 'cancel_reason'; }

=item insert

Adds this record to the database.  If there is an error, returns the error,
otherwise returns false.


# the insert method can be inherited from FS::Record

=item delete

Delete this record from the database.


# the delete method can be inherited from FS::Record

=item replace OLD_RECORD

Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database.  If there is an error,
returns the error, otherwise returns false.


# the replace method can be inherited from FS::Record

=item check

Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid reason.  If there is
an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.  Called by the insert
and replace methods.


# the check method should currently be supplied - FS::Record contains some
# data checking routines

sub check {
  my $self = shift;

  my $error = 
    || $self->ut_text('reason')
    || $self->ut_enum('disabled', [ '', 'Y' ] )
  return $error if $error;



=head1 BUGS

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<FS::Record>, schema.html from the base documentation.



Index: Schema.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/Schema.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Schema.pm	17 Aug 2005 22:23:45 -0000	1.1
+++ Schema.pm	27 Aug 2005 08:46:57 -0000	1.2
@@ -1229,6 +1229,32 @@
       'index'       => [ [ 'agentnum', 'cardtype' ], ],
+    'banned_pay' => {
+      'columns' => [
+        'bannum',  'serial',   '',     '',
+        'payby',   'char',     '',       4,
+        'payinfo', 'varchar',  '',     128, #say, a 512-big digest _hex encoded
+	#'paymask', 'varchar',  'NULL', $char_d,
+        '_date',   @date_type,
+        'otaker',  'varchar',  '',     32,
+        'reason',  'varchar',  'NULL', $char_d,
+      ],
+      'primary_key' => 'bannum',
+      'unique'      => [ [ 'payby', 'payinfo' ] ],
+      'index'       => [],
+    },
+    'cancel_reason' => {
+      'columns' => [
+        'reasonnum', 'serial',  '',     '',
+        'reason',    'varchar', '',     $char_d,
+        'disabled',  'char',    'NULL', 1,
+      ],
+      'primary_key' => 'reasonnum',
+      'unique' => [],
+      'index'  => [ [ 'disabled' ] ],
+    },

--- NEW FILE: banned_pay.pm ---
package FS::banned_pay;

use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA );
use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
use FS::UID qw( getotaker );

@ISA = qw(FS::Record);

=head1 NAME

FS::banned_pay - Object methods for banned_pay records


  use FS::banned_pay;

  $record = new FS::banned_pay \%hash;
  $record = new FS::banned_pay { 'column' => 'value' };

  $error = $record->insert;

  $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);

  $error = $record->delete;

  $error = $record->check;


An FS::banned_pay object represents an banned credit card or ACH account.
FS::banned_pay inherits from FS::Record.  The following fields are currently

=over 4

=item bannum - primary key

=item payby - I<CARD> or I<CHEK>

=item payinfo - fingerprint of banned card (base64-encoded MD5 digest)

=item _date - specified as a UNIX timestamp; see L<perlfunc/"time">.  Also see
L<Time::Local> and L<Date::Parse> for conversion functions.

=item otaker - order taker (assigned automatically, see L<FS::UID>)

=item reason - reason (text)


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item new HASHREF

Creates a new ban.  To add the ban to the database, see L<"insert">.

Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it
points to.  You can ask the object for a copy with the I<hash> method.


# the new method can be inherited from FS::Record, if a table method is defined

sub table { 'banned_pay'; }

=item insert

Adds this record to the database.  If there is an error, returns the error,
otherwise returns false.


# the insert method can be inherited from FS::Record

=item delete

Delete this record from the database.


# the delete method can be inherited from FS::Record

=item replace OLD_RECORD

Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database.  If there is an error,
returns the error, otherwise returns false.


# the replace method can be inherited from FS::Record

=item check

Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid ban.  If there is
an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.  Called by the insert
and replace methods.


# the check method should currently be supplied - FS::Record contains some
# data checking routines

sub check {
  my $self = shift;

  my $error = 
    || $self->ut_enum('payby', [ 'CARD', 'CHEK' ] )
    || $self->ut_text('payinfo')
    || $self->ut_numbern('_date')
    || $self->ut_textn('reason')
  return $error if $error;

  $self->_date(time) unless $self->_date;




=head1 BUGS

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<FS::Record>, schema.html from the base documentation.



Index: cust_main.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_main.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.192
retrieving revision 1.193
diff -u -d -r1.192 -r1.193
--- cust_main.pm	24 Aug 2005 13:22:27 -0000	1.192
+++ cust_main.pm	27 Aug 2005 08:46:57 -0000	1.193
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
   #eval "use Time::Local qw(timelocal timelocal_nocheck);";
   eval "use Time::Local qw(timelocal_nocheck);";
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
 use Date::Format;
 #use Date::Manip;
 use String::Approx qw(amatch);
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
 use FS::UID qw( getotaker dbh );
 use FS::Record qw( qsearchs qsearch dbdef );
 use FS::Misc qw( send_email );
+use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext);
 use FS::cust_pkg;
 use FS::cust_svc;
 use FS::cust_bill;
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@
 use FS::type_pkgs;
 use FS::payment_gateway;
 use FS::agent_payment_gateway;
-use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext);
+use FS::banned_pay;
 @ISA = qw( FS::Record );
@@ -1140,8 +1142,13 @@
       or return gettext('invalid_card'); # . ": ". $self->payinfo;
     return gettext('unknown_card_type')
       if cardtype($self->payinfo) eq "Unknown";
+    my $ban = qsearchs('banned_pay', $self->_banned_pay_hashref);
+    return "Banned credit card" if $ban;
     if ( defined $self->dbdef_table->column('paycvv') ) {
       if (length($self->paycvv) && !$self->is_encrypted($self->paycvv)) {
         if ( cardtype($self->payinfo) eq 'American Express card' ) {
@@ -1191,6 +1198,9 @@
     $self->paycvv('') if $self->dbdef_table->column('paycvv');
+    my $ban = qsearchs('banned_pay', $self->_banned_pay_hashref);
+    return "Banned ACH account" if $ban;
   } elsif ( $self->payby eq 'LECB' ) {
     my $payinfo = $self->payinfo;
@@ -1428,19 +1438,56 @@
 Cancels all uncancelled packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this customer.
-Available options are: I<quiet>
+Available options are: I<quiet>, I<reasonnum>, and I<ban>
 I<quiet> can be set true to supress email cancellation notices.
+# I<reasonnum> can be set to a cancellation reason (see L<FS::cancel_reason>)
+I<ban> can be set true to ban this customer's credit card or ACH information,
+if present.
 Always returns a list: an empty list on success or a list of errors.
 sub cancel {
   my $self = shift;
+  my %opt = @_;
+  if ( $opt{'ban'} && $self->payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD|CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) {
+    #should try decryption (we might have the private key)
+    # and if not maybe queue a job for the server that does?
+    return ( "Can't (yet) ban encrypted credit cards" )
+      if $self->is_encrypted($self->payinfo);
+    my $ban = new FS::banned_pay $self->_banned_pay_hashref;
+    my $error = $ban->insert;
+    return ( $error ) if $error;
+  }
   grep { $_ } map { $_->cancel(@_) } $self->ncancelled_pkgs;
+sub _banned_pay_hashref {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my %payby2ban = (
+    'CARD' => 'CARD',
+    'DCRD' => 'CARD',
+    'CHEK' => 'CHEK',
+    'DCHK' => 'CHEK'
+  );
+  {
+    'payby'   => $payby2ban{$self->payby},
+    'payinfo' => md5_base64($self->payinfo),
+    #'reason'  =>
+  };
 =item agent
 Returns the agent (see L<FS::agent>) for this customer.

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