freeside/httemplate/docs install.html,1.75,1.76

ivan ivan at
Sun Nov 7 14:58:24 PST 2004

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/docs
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv2271/httemplate/docs

Modified Files:
Log Message:
 update install documentation for 1.5 HTML::Mason or Apache::ASP install

Index: install.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/docs/install.html,v
retrieving revision 1.75
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -d -r1.75 -r1.76
--- install.html	18 Jun 2004 10:07:57 -0000	1.75
+++ install.html	7 Nov 2004 22:58:21 -0000	1.76
@@ -107,32 +107,20 @@
 # make create-config
     <li>Run a <b>separate</b> iteration of Apache[-SSL] with mod_perl enabled <b>as the freeside user</b>.
+    <li>Edit the <tt>Makefile</tt> and set <tt>TEMPLATE</tt> to <tt>asp</tt> or <tt>mason</tt>.  Also set <tt>FREESIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT</tt>.
+    <li>Run <tt> make install-docs</tt>.
-    <td><ul>
-      <li>Run <tt>make aspdocs</tt>
-      <li>Copy <tt>aspdocs/</tt> to your web server's document space:
-<font size="-1"><pre>
-      <li>Create a <a href="">Global</a> directory, such as <tt>/usr/local/etc/freeside/asp-global/</tt>:
-<font size="-1"><pre>
-      <li>Copy <tt>htetc/global.asa</tt> to the Global directory:
-<font size="-1"><pre>
-      <li>Configure Apache for the Global directory and to execute .cgi files using Apache::ASP.  For example, add something like the following to your Apache httpd.conf file, adjusting for your actual paths:
+    <td valign="top"><ul>
+      <li>Configure Apache:
 <font size="-1"><pre>
 PerlModule Apache::ASP
 # your freeside document root
 &lt;Files ~ (\.cgi|\.html)&gt;
 AddHandler perl-script .cgi .html
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
@@ -144,24 +132,16 @@
 # your freeside document root
-    <td><ul>
-      <li>Run <tt>make masondocs</tt>
-      <li>Copy <tt>masondocs/</tt> to your web server's document space. (For example: <tt>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/freeside-mason</tt>)
-      <li>Copy <tt>htetc/</tt> to <tt>/usr/local/etc/freeside</tt>
-      <li>Edit <tt></tt> and:
-      <ul>
-        <li> set an appropriate <tt>comp_root</tt>, such as <tt>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/freeside-mason</tt>
-        <li> set an appropriate <tt>data_dir</tt>, such as <tt>/usr/local/etc/freeside/masondata</tt>
-      </ul>
-      <li>Configure Apache to use the <tt></tt> file and to execute .cgi files using HTML::Mason.  For example, add something like the following to your Apache httpd.conf file, adjusting for your actual paths:
+    <td valign="top"><ul>
+      <li>Configure Apache:
 <font size="-1"><pre>
 PerlModule HTML::Mason
+# your freeside docuemnt root
 &lt;Files ~ (\.cgi|\.html)&gt;
 AddHandler perl-script .cgi .html
 PerlHandler HTML::Mason
@@ -177,7 +157,8 @@
 <li>Restrict access to this web interface - see the <a href="">Apache documentation on user authentication</a>.    For example, to configure user authentication with <a href="">mod_auth</a> (flat files), add something like the following to your Apache httpd.conf file, adjusting for your actual paths:
-&lt;Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/freeside-asp&gt;
+#your freeside document root
+&lt;Directory /var/www/freeside&gt;
 AuthName Freeside
 AuthType Basic
 AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd
@@ -193,7 +174,7 @@
 <pre>$ su
 $ <a href="man/bin/freeside-adduser.html">freeside-adduser</a> -h /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd <i>username</i></pre></font>
-  <i>(using other auth types, add each user to your <a href="">Apache authentication</a> and then run: <tt>freeside-adduser <b>username</b></tt></i>
+  <i>(using other auth types, add each user to your <a href="">Apache authentication</a> and then run: <tt>freeside-adduser <b>username</b></tt>)</i>
   <li>As the freeside UNIX user, run <tt>freeside-setup <b>username</b></tt> to create the database tables, passing the username of a Freeside user you created above:
 $ su freeside

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