freeside/conf payment_receipt_email,NONE,1.1

ivan ivan at
Wed Jun 30 10:57:07 PDT 2004

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/conf
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv8454/conf

Added Files:
Log Message:
payment receipts!

--- NEW FILE: payment_receipt_email ---

{ $date }

Dear { $name },

This message is to inform you that your payment of ${ $amount } has been

Payment ID: { $paynum }
Date:       { $date }
Amount:     { $paid } 
Type:       { $payby } # { $payinfo }

  if ( $balance > 0 ) {
    $OUT .= "Your current balance is now \$$balance.\n\n";
  } elsif ( $balance < 0 ) {
    $OUT .= 'You have a credit balance of $'. sprintf("%.2f",0-$balance).
            "Future charges will be deducted from this balance before billing ".
              "you again.\n\n";
Thank you for your business.

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