freeside/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi signup.cgi,1.50,1.51
ivan at
Thu Jun 10 05:31:37 PDT 2004
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv23020/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi
Modified Files:
Log Message:
agent interface
Index: signup.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi/signup.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -d -r1.50 -r1.51
--- signup.cgi 4 Jan 2004 03:52:54 -0000 1.50
+++ signup.cgi 10 Jun 2004 12:31:32 -0000 1.51
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
use subs qw( print_form print_okay print_decline
- success_default decline_default
- expselect );
+ success_default decline_default );
use CGI;
#use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Text::Template;
use Business::CreditCard;
use HTTP::BrowserDetect;
-use FS::SignupClient 0.03 qw( signup_info new_customer );
+use FS::SignupClient 0.03 qw( signup_info new_customer
+ regionselector expselect popselector);
#acceptable payment methods
@@ -358,265 +358,6 @@
print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
-#horrible false laziness with FS/FS/
-sub popselector {
- my( $popnum ) = @_;
- return '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popnum" VALUE="">' unless @$pops;
- return $pops->[0]{city}. ', '. $pops->[0]{state}.
- ' ('. $pops->[0]{ac}. ')/'. $pops->[0]{exch}. '-'. $pops->[0]{loc}.
- '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popnum" VALUE="'. $pops->[0]{popnum}. '">'
- if scalar(@$pops) == 1;
- #my %pop = ();
- #my %popnum2pop = ();
- #foreach (@$pops) {
- # push @{ $pop{ $_->{state} }->{ $_->{ac} } }, $_;
- # $popnum2pop{$_->{popnum}} = $_;
- #}
- my $text = <<END;
- function opt(what,href,text) {
- var optionName = new Option(text, href, false, false)
- var length = what.length;
- what.options[length] = optionName;
- }
- if ( $init_popstate ) {
- $text .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="init_popstate" VALUE="'.
- $init_popstate. '">';
- } else {
- $text .= <<END;
- function acstate_changed(what) {
- state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
- what.form.popac.options.length = 0
- what.form.popac.options[0] = new Option("Area code", "-1", false, true);
- }
- my @states = $init_popstate ? ( $init_popstate ) : keys %pop;
- foreach my $state ( sort { $a cmp $b } @states ) {
- $text .= "\nif ( state == \"$state\" ) {\n" unless $init_popstate;
- foreach my $ac ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{ $pop{$state} }) {
- $text .= "opt(what.form.popac, \"$ac\", \"$ac\");\n";
- if ($ac eq $cgi->param('popac')) {
- $text .= "what.form.popac.options[what.form.popac.length-1].selected = true;\n";
- }
- }
- $text .= "}\n" unless $init_popstate;
- }
- $text .= "popac_changed(what.form.popac)}\n";
- $text .= <<END;
- function popac_changed(what) {
- ac = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
- what.form.popnum.options.length = 0;
- what.form.popnum.options[0] = new Option("City", "-1", false, true);
- foreach my $state ( @states ) {
- foreach my $popac ( keys %{ $pop{$state} } ) {
- $text .= "\nif ( ac == \"$popac\" ) {\n";
- foreach my $pop ( @{$pop{$state}->{$popac}}) {
- my $o_popnum = $pop->{popnum};
- my $poptext = $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
- ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch}. '-'. $pop->{loc};
- $text .= "opt(what.form.popnum, \"$o_popnum\", \"$poptext\");\n";
- if ($popnum == $o_popnum) {
- $text .= "what.form.popnum.options[what.form.popnum.length-1].selected = true;\n";
- }
- }
- $text .= "}\n";
- }
- }
- $text .= "}\n</SCRIPT>\n";
- $text .=
- qq!<TABLE CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD><SELECT NAME="acstate"! .
- qq!SIZE=1 onChange="acstate_changed(this)"><OPTION VALUE=-1>State!;
- $text .= "<OPTION" . ($_ eq $cgi->param('acstate') ? " SELECTED" : "") .
- ">$_" foreach sort { $a cmp $b } @states;
- $text .= '</SELECT>'; #callback? return 3 html pieces? #'</TD>';
- $text .=
- qq!<SELECT NAME="popac" SIZE=1 onChange="popac_changed(this)">!.
- qq!<OPTION>Area code</SELECT></TR><TR VALIGN="top">!;
- $text .= qq!<TR><TD><SELECT NAME="popnum" SIZE=1 STYLE="width: 20em"><OPTION>City!;
- #comment this block to disable initial list polulation
- my @initial_select = ();
- if ( scalar( @$pops ) > 100 ) {
- push @initial_select, $popnum2pop{$popnum} if $popnum2pop{$popnum};
- } else {
- @initial_select = @$pops;
- }
- foreach my $pop ( sort { $a->{state} cmp $b->{state} } @initial_select ) {
- $text .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="!. $pop->{popnum}. '"'.
- ( ( $popnum && $pop->{popnum} == $popnum ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). ">".
- $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
- ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch}. '-'. $pop->{loc};
- }
- $text .= qq!</SELECT></TD></TR></TABLE>!;
- $text;
-sub expselect {
- my $prefix = shift;
- my $date = shift || '';
- my( $m, $y ) = ( 0, 0 );
- if ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-\d{2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
- ( $m, $y ) = ( $2, $1 );
- } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
- ( $m, $y ) = ( $1, $3 );
- }
- my $return = qq!<SELECT NAME="$prefix!. qq!_month" SIZE="1">!;
- for ( 1 .. 12 ) {
- $return .= "<OPTION";
- $return .= " SELECTED" if $_ == $m;
- $return .= ">$_";
- }
- $return .= qq!</SELECT>/<SELECT NAME="$prefix!. qq!_year" SIZE="1">!;
- for ( 2001 .. 2037 ) {
- $return .= "<OPTION";
- $return .= " SELECTED" if $_ == $y;
- $return .= ">$_";
- }
- $return .= "</SELECT>";
- $return;
-#false laziness w/FS::cust_main_county
-sub regionselector {
- my ( $selected_county, $selected_state, $selected_country,
- $prefix, $onchange ) = @_;
- $prefix = '' unless defined $prefix;
- my $countyflag = 0;
- my %cust_main_county;
-# unless ( @cust_main_county ) { #cache
- #@cust_main_county = qsearch('cust_main_county', {} );
- #foreach my $c ( @cust_main_county ) {
- foreach my $c ( @$locales ) {
- #$countyflag=1 if $c->county;
- $countyflag=1 if $c->{county};
- #push @{$cust_main_county{$c->country}{$c->state}}, $c->county;
- #$cust_main_county{$c->country}{$c->state}{$c->county} = 1;
- $cust_main_county{$c->{country}}{$c->{state}}{$c->{county}} = 1;
- }
-# }
- $countyflag=1 if $selected_county;
- my $script_html = <<END;
- function opt(what,value,text) {
- var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, false);
- var length = what.length;
- what.options[length] = optionName;
- }
- function ${prefix}country_changed(what) {
- country = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
- for ( var i = what.form.${prefix}state.length; i >= 0; i-- )
- what.form.${prefix}state.options[i] = null;
- #what.form.${prefix}state.options[0] = new Option('', '', false, true);
- foreach my $country ( sort keys %cust_main_county ) {
- $script_html .= "\nif ( country == \"$country\" ) {\n";
- foreach my $state ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}} ) {
- my $text = $state || '(n/a)';
- $script_html .= qq!opt(what.form.${prefix}state, "$state", "$text");\n!;
- }
- $script_html .= "}\n";
- }
- $script_html .= <<END;
- }
- function ${prefix}state_changed(what) {
- if ( $countyflag ) {
- $script_html .= <<END;
- state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
- country = what.form.${prefix}country.options[what.form.${prefix}country.selectedIndex].text;
- for ( var i = what.form.${prefix}county.length; i >= 0; i-- )
- what.form.${prefix}county.options[i] = null;
- foreach my $country ( sort keys %cust_main_county ) {
- $script_html .= "\nif ( country == \"$country\" ) {\n";
- foreach my $state ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}} ) {
- $script_html .= "\nif ( state == \"$state\" ) {\n";
- #foreach my $county ( sort @{$cust_main_county{$country}{$state}} ) {
- foreach my $county ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}{$state}} ) {
- my $text = $county || '(n/a)';
- $script_html .=
- qq!opt(what.form.${prefix}county, "$county", "$text");\n!;
- }
- $script_html .= "}\n";
- }
- $script_html .= "}\n";
- }
- }
- $script_html .= <<END;
- }
- my $county_html = $script_html;
- if ( $countyflag ) {
- $county_html .= qq!<SELECT NAME="${prefix}county" onChange="$onchange">!;
- $county_html .= '</SELECT>';
- } else {
- $county_html .=
- qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="${prefix}county" VALUE="$selected_county">!;
- }
- my $state_html = qq!<SELECT NAME="${prefix}state" !.
- qq!onChange="${prefix}state_changed(this); $onchange">!;
- foreach my $state ( sort keys %{ $cust_main_county{$selected_country} } ) {
- my $text = $state || '(n/a)';
- my $selected = $state eq $selected_state ? 'SELECTED' : '';
- $state_html .= "\n<OPTION $selected VALUE=$state>$text</OPTION>"
- }
- $state_html .= '</SELECT>';
- $state_html .= '</SELECT>';
- my $country_html = qq!<SELECT NAME="${prefix}country" !.
- qq!onChange="${prefix}country_changed(this); $onchange">!;
- my $countrydefault = $init_data->{countrydefault} || 'US';
- foreach my $country (
- sort { ($b eq $countrydefault) <=> ($a eq $countrydefault) or $a cmp $b }
- keys %cust_main_county
- ) {
- my $selected = $country eq $selected_country ? ' SELECTED' : '';
- $country_html .= "\n<OPTION$selected>$country</OPTION>"
- }
- $country_html .= '</SELECT>';
- ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html);
sub success_default { #html to use if you don't specify a success file
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