freeside/httemplate/view cust_main.cgi,1.91,1.92
ivan at
Fri Dec 10 23:51:03 PST 2004
- Previous message: freeside/httemplate/view/cust_main payment_history.html,NONE,1.1 packages.html,NONE,1.1 order_pkg.html,NONE,1.1 quick-charge.html,NONE,1.1
- Next message: freeside/httemplate/edit part_bill_event.cgi,1.20,1.21
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Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/view
In directory pouncequick:/tmp/cvs-serv2268
Modified Files:
Log Message:
voiding of echeck payments instead of refunds
Index: cust_main.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.91
retrieving revision 1.92
diff -u -d -r1.91 -r1.92
--- cust_main.cgi 9 Dec 2004 09:21:43 -0000 1.91
+++ cust_main.cgi 11 Dec 2004 07:51:00 -0000 1.92
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
my %uiview = ();
my %uiadd = ();
foreach my $part_svc ( qsearch('part_svc',{}) ) {
- $uiview{$part_svc->svcpart} = popurl(2). "view/". $part_svc->svcdb . ".cgi";
- $uiadd{$part_svc->svcpart}= popurl(2). "edit/". $part_svc->svcdb . ".cgi";
+ $uiview{$part_svc->svcpart} = $p. "view/". $part_svc->svcdb . ".cgi";
+ $uiadd{$part_svc->svcpart}= $p. "edit/". $part_svc->svcdb . ".cgi";
-print header("Customer View", menubar(
- 'Main Menu' => popurl(2)
+<%= header("Customer View", menubar(
+ 'Main Menu' => $p,
+)) %>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
.package TH { font-size: medium }
.package TR { font-size: smaller }
@@ -108,762 +108,19 @@
<%= include('cust_main/tickets.html', $cust_main ) %>
<% } %>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function enable_order_pkg () {
- if ( document.OrderPkgForm.pkgpart.selectedIndex > 0 ) {
- document.OrderPkgForm.submit.disabled = false;
- } else {
- document.OrderPkgForm.submit.disabled = true;
- }
-<FORM NAME="OrderPkgForm" ACTION="<%= $p %>edit/process/quick-cust_pkg.cgi" METHOD="POST">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<%= $custnum %>">
-<SELECT NAME="pkgpart" onChange="enable_order_pkg()"><OPTION>Order additional package
-my @agents = qsearch( 'agent', {} );
-my $agent;
-unless ( scalar(@agents) == 1 ) {
- $agent = qsearchs('agent',{ 'agentnum' => $cust_main->agentnum } );
-} else {
- $agent = $agents[0];
-foreach my $part_pkg (
- qsearch( 'part_pkg', { 'disabled' => '' }, '',
- ' AND 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM type_pkgs '.
- ' WHERE typenum = '. $agent->typenum.
- ' AND type_pkgs.pkgpart = part_pkg.pkgpart )'
- )
-) {
-<OPTION VALUE="<%= $part_pkg->pkgpart %>"><%= $part_pkg->pkg %> - <%= $part_pkg->comment %>
-<% } %>
-</SELECT><INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Order Package" disabled></FORM>
-if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) {
- print
- qq!<FORM ACTION="${p}edit/process/quick-charge.cgi" METHOD="POST">!.
- qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="$custnum">!.
- qq!Description:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="pkg">!.
- qq! Amount:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE=6>!.
- qq! !;
- #false laziness w/ edit/part_pkg.cgi
- if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses') ) {
- print '<SELECT NAME="taxclass">';
- my $sth = dbh->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT taxclass FROM cust_main_county')
- or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
- foreach my $taxclass ( map $_->[0], @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref} ) {
- print qq!<OPTION VALUE="$taxclass"!;
- #print ' SELECTED' if $taxclass eq $hashref->{taxclass};
- print qq!>$taxclass</OPTION>!;
- }
- print '</SELECT>';
- } else {
- print '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="taxclass" VALUE="">';
- }
- print qq!<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="One-time charge"></FORM><BR>!;
-print qq!<A NAME="cust_pkg">Packages</A> !,
- qq!( <A HREF="!, popurl(2), qq!edit/cust_pkg.cgi?$custnum">Bulk order and cancel packages</A> (preserves services) )!,
-#begin display packages
-#get package info
-my $packages = get_packages($cust_main, $conf);
-if ( @$packages ) {
- <TH>Package</TH>
- <TH>Status</TH>
- <TH COLSPAN=2>Services</TH>
-foreach my $pkg (sort pkgsort_pkgnum_cancel @$packages) {
- my $rowspan = 0;
- if ($pkg->{cancel}) {
- $rowspan = 0;
- } else {
- foreach my $svcpart (@{$pkg->{svcparts}}) {
- $rowspan += $svcpart->{count};
- $rowspan++ if ($svcpart->{count} < $svcpart->{quantity});
- }
- }
-<!--pkgnum: <%=$pkg->{pkgnum}%>-->
- <TD ROWSPAN=<%=$rowspan%>>
- <A NAME="cust_pkg<%=$pkg->{pkgnum}%>"><%=$pkg->{pkgnum}%></A>:
- <%=$pkg->{pkg}%> - <%=$pkg->{comment}%><BR>
-<% unless ($pkg->{cancel}) { %>
- ( <%=pkg_change_link($pkg)%> )
- ( <%=pkg_dates_link($pkg)%> | <%=pkg_customize_link($pkg,$custnum)%> )
-<% } %>
- </TD>
- #foreach (qw(setup last_bill next_bill susp expire cancel)) {
- # print qq! <TD ROWSPAN=$rowspan>! . pkg_datestr($pkg,$_,$conf) . qq!</TD>\n!;
- #}
- print "<TD ROWSPAN=$rowspan>". &itable('');
- sub myfreq {
- my $part_pkg = shift;
- my $freq = $part_pkg->freq_pretty;
- $freq =~ s/ / /g;
- $freq;
- }
- if ( $pkg->{cancel} ) { #status: cancelled
- print '<TR><TD><FONT COLOR="#ff0000"><B>Cancelled </B></FONT></TD>'.
- '<TD>'. pkg_datestr($pkg,'cancel',$conf). '</TD></TR>';
- unless ( $pkg->{setup} ) {
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>Never billed</TD></TR>';
- } else {
- print "<TR><TD>Setup </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'setup',$conf). '</TD></TR>';
- print "<TR><TD>Last bill </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'last_bill',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'last_bill'};
- print "<TR><TD>Suspended </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'susp',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'susp'};
- }
- } else {
- if ( $pkg->{susp} ) { #status: suspended
- print '<TR><TD><FONT COLOR="#FF9900"><B>Suspended</B> </FONT></TD>'.
- '<TD>'. pkg_datestr($pkg,'susp',$conf). '</TD></TR>';
- unless ( $pkg->{setup} ) {
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>Never billed</TD></TR>';
- } else {
- print "<TR><TD>Setup </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'setup',$conf). '</TD></TR>';
- }
- print "<TR><TD>Last bill </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'last_bill',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'last_bill'};
- # next bill ??
- print "<TR><TD>Expires </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'expire',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'expire'};
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>( '. pkg_unsuspend_link($pkg).
- ' | '. pkg_cancel_link($pkg). ' )</TD></TR>';
- } else { #status: active
- unless ( $pkg->{setup} ) { #not setup
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>Not yet billed (';
- unless ( $pkg->{freq} ) {
- print 'one-time charge)</TD></TR>';
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>( '. pkg_cancel_link($pkg).
- ' )</TD</TR>';
- } else {
- print 'billed '. myfreq($pkg->{part_pkg}). ')</TD></TR>';
- }
- } else { #setup
- unless ( $pkg->{freq} ) {
- print "<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>One-time charge</TD></TR>".
- '<TR><TD>Billed </TD><TD>'.
- pkg_datestr($pkg,'setup',$conf). '</TD></TR>';
- } else {
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><FONT COLOR="#00CC00"><B>Active</B></FONT>'.
- ', billed '. myfreq($pkg->{part_pkg}). '</TD></TR>'.
- '<TR><TD>Setup </TD><TD>'.
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'setup',$conf). '</TD></TR>';
- }
- }
- print "<TR><TD>Last bill </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'last_bill',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'last_bill'};
- print "<TR><TD>Next bill </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'next_bill',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'next_bill'};
- print "<TR><TD>Expires </TD><TD>".
- pkg_datestr($pkg, 'expire',$conf). '</TD></TR>'
- if $pkg->{'expire'};
- if ( $pkg->{freq} ) {
- print '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>( '. pkg_suspend_link($pkg).
- ' | '. pkg_cancel_link($pkg). ' )</TD></TR>';
- }
- }
- }
- print "</TABLE></TD>\n";
- if ($rowspan == 0) { print qq!</TR>\n!; next; }
- my $cnt = 0;
- foreach my $svcpart (sort {$a->{svcpart} <=> $b->{svcpart}} @{$pkg->{svcparts}}) {
- foreach my $service (@{$svcpart->{services}}) {
- print '<TR>' if ($cnt > 0);
- <TD><%=svc_link($svcpart,$service)%></TD>
- <TD><%=svc_label_link($svcpart,$service)%><BR>( <%=svc_unprovision_link($service)%> )</TD>
- $cnt++;
- }
- if ($svcpart->{count} < $svcpart->{quantity}) {
- print qq!<TR>\n! if ($cnt > 0);
- print qq! <TD COLSPAN=2>!.svc_provision_link($pkg, $svcpart, $conf).qq!</TD>\n</TR>\n!;
- }
- }
-print '</TABLE>';
-#end display packages
+<%= include('cust_main/order_pkg.html', $cust_main ) %>
<% if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) { %>
- <BR><BR><A NAME="history"><FONT SIZE="+2">Payment History</FONT></A><BR>
- <A HREF="<%= $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?custnum=<%= $custnum %>">Post cash/check payment</A>
- | <A HREF="<%= $p %>misc/payment.cgi?payby=CARD;custnum=<%= $custnum %>">Process credit card payment</A>
- | <A HREF="<%= $p %>misc/payment.cgi?payby=CHEK;custnum=<%= $custnum %>">Process electronic check (ACH) payment</A>
- <BR><A HREF="<%= $p %>edit/cust_credit.cgi?<%= $custnum %>">Post credit</A>
+ <%= include('cust_main/quick-charge.html', $cust_main ) %>
+<% } %>
- <%
- #get payment history
- my @history = ();
- #invoices
- foreach my $cust_bill ($cust_main->cust_bill) {
- my $pre = ( $cust_bill->owed > 0 )
- ? '<B><FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#FF0000">Open '
- : '';
- my $post = ( $cust_bill->owed > 0 ) ? '</FONT></B>' : '';
- my $invnum = $cust_bill->invnum;
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_bill->_date,
- 'desc' => qq!<A HREF="${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?$invnum">!. $pre.
- "Invoice #$invnum (Balance \$". $cust_bill->owed. ')'.
- $post. '</A>',
- 'charge' => $cust_bill->charged,
- };
- }
- #payments (some false laziness w/credits)
- foreach my $cust_pay ($cust_main->cust_pay) {
- my $payby = $cust_pay->payby;
- my $payinfo = $payby eq 'CARD'
- ? $cust_pay->payinfo_masked
- : $cust_pay->payinfo;
- my @cust_bill_pay = $cust_pay->cust_bill_pay;
- my @cust_pay_refund = $cust_pay->cust_pay_refund;
- my $target = "$payby$payinfo";
- $payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
- $payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
- $payby =~ s/^BILL$//;
- $payby =~ s/^(CARD|COMP)$/$1 /;
- my $info = $payby ? " ($payby$payinfo)" : '';
- my( $pre, $post, $desc, $apply, $ext ) = ( '', '', '', '', '' );
- if ( scalar(@cust_bill_pay) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_pay_refund) == 0 ) {
- #completely unapplied
- $pre = '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Unapplied ';
- $post = '</FONT></B>';
- $apply = qq! (<A HREF="${p}edit/cust_bill_pay.cgi?!.
- $cust_pay->paynum. '">apply</A>)';
- } elsif ( scalar(@cust_bill_pay) == 1
- && scalar(@cust_pay_refund) == 0
- && $cust_pay->unapplied == 0 ) {
- #applied to one invoice, the usual situation
- $desc = ' applied to Invoice #'. $cust_bill_pay[0]->invnum;
- } elsif ( scalar(@cust_bill_pay) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_pay_refund) == 1
- && $cust_pay->unapplied == 0 ) {
- #applied to one refund
- $desc = ' refunded on '. time2str("%D", $cust_pay_refund[0]->_date);
- } else {
- #complicated
- $desc = '<BR>';
- foreach my $app ( sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date }
- ( @cust_bill_pay, @cust_pay_refund ) ) {
- if ( $app->isa('FS::cust_bill_pay') ) {
- $desc .= ' '.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' applied to Invoice #'. $app->invnum.
- '<BR>';
- #' on '. time2str("%D", $cust_bill_pay->_date).
- } elsif ( $app->isa('FS::cust_pay_refund') ) {
- $desc .= ' '.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' refunded on'. time2str("%D", $app->_date).
- '<BR>';
- } else {
- die "$app is not a FS::cust_bill_pay or FS::cust_pay_refund";
- }
- }
- if ( $cust_pay->unapplied > 0 ) {
- $desc .= ' '.
- '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">$'.
- $cust_pay->unapplied. ' unapplied</FONT></B>'.
- qq! (<A HREF="${p}edit/cust_bill_pay.cgi?!.
- $cust_pay->paynum. '">apply</A>)'.
- '<BR>';
- }
- }
- my $refund = '';
- my $refund_days = $conf->config('card_refund-days') || 120;
- if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $cust_pay->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
- && time-$cust_pay->_date < $refund_days*86400
- && $cust_pay->unrefunded > 0
- ) {
- $refund = qq! (<A HREF="!. qq!${p}edit/cust_refund.cgi?payby=$1;!.
- qq!paynum=!. $cust_pay->paynum. qq!">refund</A>)!;
- }
- my $void = '';
- if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $cust_pay->payby !~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
- ) {
- $void = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/void-cust_pay.cgi?!. $cust_pay->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to void this payment?')">!.
- qq!void</A>)!;
- }
- my $delete = '';
- if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i && $conf->exists('deletepayments') ) {
- $delete = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/delete-cust_pay.cgi?!. $cust_pay->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to delete this payment?')">!.
- qq!delete</A>)!;
- }
- my $unapply = '';
- if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $conf->exists('unapplypayments')
- && scalar(@cust_bill_pay) ) {
- $unapply = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/unapply-cust_pay.cgi?!. $cust_pay->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to unapply this payment?')">!.
- qq!unapply</A>)!;
- }
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_pay->_date,
- 'desc' => $pre. "Payment$post$info$desc".
- "$apply$refund$void$delete$unapply",
- 'payment' => $cust_pay->paid,
- 'target' => $target,
- };
- }
- #voided payments
- foreach my $cust_pay_void ($cust_main->cust_pay_void) {
- my $payby = $cust_pay_void->payby;
- my $payinfo = $payby eq 'CARD'
- ? $cust_pay_void->payinfo_masked
- : $cust_pay_void->payinfo;
- $payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
- $payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
- $payby =~ s/^BILL$//;
- $payby =~ s/^(CARD|COMP)$/$1 /;
- my $info = $payby ? " ($payby$payinfo)" : '';
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_pay_void->_date,
- 'desc' => "<DEL>Payment $info</DEL> <I>voided ".
- time2str("%D", $cust_pay_void->void_date).
- " by ". $cust_pay_void->otaker. '</i>',
- 'void_payment' => $cust_pay_void->paid,
- };
- }
- #credits (some false laziness w/payments)
- foreach my $cust_credit ($cust_main->cust_credit) {
- my @cust_credit_bill = $cust_credit->cust_credit_bill;
- my @cust_credit_refund = $cust_credit->cust_credit_refund;
- my( $pre, $post, $desc, $apply, $ext ) = ( '', '', '', '', '' );
- if ( scalar(@cust_credit_bill) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_credit_refund) == 0 ) {
- #completely unapplied
- $pre = '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Unapplied ';
- $post = '</FONT></B>';
- $apply = qq! (<A HREF="${p}edit/cust_credit_bill.cgi?!.
- $cust_credit->crednum. '">apply</A>)';
- } elsif ( scalar(@cust_credit_bill) == 1
- && scalar(@cust_credit_refund) == 0
- && $cust_credit->credited == 0 ) {
- #applied to one invoice, the usual situation
- $desc = ' applied to Invoice #'. $cust_credit_bill[0]->invnum;
- } elsif ( scalar(@cust_credit_bill) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_credit_refund) == 1
- && $cust_credit->credited == 0 ) {
- #applied to one refund
- $desc = ' refunded on '. time2str("%D", $cust_credit_refund[0]->_date);
- } else {
- #complicated
- $desc = '<BR>';
- foreach my $app ( sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date }
- ( @cust_credit_bill, @cust_credit_refund ) ) {
- if ( $app->isa('FS::cust_credit_bill') ) {
- $desc .= ' '.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' applied to Invoice #'. $app->invnum.
- '<BR>';
- #' on '. time2str("%D", $app->_date).
- } elsif ( $app->isa('FS::cust_credit_refund') ) {
- $desc .= ' '.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' refunded on'. time2str("%D", $app->_date).
- '<BR>';
- } else {
- die "$app is not a FS::cust_credit_bill or a FS::cust_credit_refund";
- }
- }
- if ( $cust_credit->credited > 0 ) {
- $desc .= ' <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">$'.
- $cust_credit->credited. ' unapplied</FONT></B>'.
- qq! (<A HREF="${p}edit/cust_credit_bill.cgi?!.
- $cust_credit->crednum. '">apply</A>)'.
- '<BR>';
- }
- }
- my $delete = '';
- if ( $cust_credit->closed !~ /^Y/i && $conf->exists('deletecredits') ) {
- $delete = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/delete-cust_credit.cgi?!. $cust_credit->crednum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to delete this credit?')">!.
- qq!delete</A>)!;
- }
- my $unapply = '';
- if ( $cust_credit->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $conf->exists('unapplycredits')
- && scalar(@cust_credit_bill) ) {
- $unapply = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/unapply-cust_credit.cgi?!. $cust_credit->crednum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to unapply this credit?')">!.
- qq!unapply</A>)!;
- }
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_credit->_date,
- 'desc' => $pre. "Credit$post by ". $cust_credit->otaker.
- ' ('. $cust_credit->reason. ')'.
- "$desc$apply$delete$unapply",
- 'credit' => $cust_credit->amount,
- };
- }
- #refunds
- foreach my $cust_refund ($cust_main->cust_refund) {
- my $payby = $cust_refund->payby;
- my $payinfo = $payby eq 'CARD'
- ? $cust_refund->payinfo_masked
- : $cust_refund->payinfo;
- $payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
- $payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
- $payby =~ s/^(CARD|COMP)$/$1 /;
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_refund->_date,
- 'desc' => "Refund ($payby$payinfo) by ". $cust_refund->otaker,
- 'refund' => $cust_refund->refund,
- };
- }
- %>
- <%= table() %>
- <TR>
- <TH>Date</TH>
- <TH>Description</TH>
- <TH><FONT SIZE=-1>Charge</FONT></TH>
- <TH><FONT SIZE=-1>Payment</FONT></TH>
- <TH><FONT SIZE=-1>In-house<BR>Credit</FONT></TH>
- <TH><FONT SIZE=-1>Refund</FONT></TH>
- <TH><FONT SIZE=-1>Balance</FONT></TH>
- </TR>
- <%
- #display payment history
- my %target;
- my $balance = 0;
- foreach my $item ( sort { $a->{'date'} <=> $b->{'date'} } @history ) {
- my $charge = exists($item->{'charge'})
- ? sprintf('$%.2f', $item->{'charge'})
- : '';
- my $payment = exists($item->{'payment'})
- ? sprintf('- $%.2f', $item->{'payment'})
- : '';
- $payment ||= sprintf('<DEL>- $%.2f</DEL>', $item->{'void_payment'})
- if exists($item->{'void_payment'});
- my $credit = exists($item->{'credit'})
- ? sprintf('- $%.2f', $item->{'credit'})
- : '';
- my $refund = exists($item->{'refund'})
- ? sprintf('$%.2f', $item->{'refund'})
- : '';
- my $target = exists($item->{'target'}) ? $item->{'target'} : '';
- $balance += $item->{'charge'} if exists $item->{'charge'};
- $balance -= $item->{'payment'} if exists $item->{'payment'};
- $balance -= $item->{'credit'} if exists $item->{'credit'};
- $balance += $item->{'refund'} if exists $item->{'refund'};
- $balance = sprintf("%.2f", $balance);
- $balance =~ s/^\-0\.00$/0.00/; #yay ieee fp
- ( my $showbalance = '$'. $balance ) =~ s/^\$\-/- \$/;
- %>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <% unless ( !$target || $target{$target}++ ) { %>
- <A NAME="<%= $target %>">
- <% } %>
- <%= time2str("%D",$item->{'date'}) %>
- <% if ( $target && $target{$target} == 1 ) { %>
- </A>
- <% } %>
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD><%= $item->{'desc'} %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $charge %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $payment %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $credit %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $refund %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $showbalance %></TD>
- </TR>
- <% } %>
- </TABLE>
+<%= include('cust_main/packages.html', $cust_main ) %>
+<% if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) { %>
+ <%= include('cust_main/payment_history.html', $cust_main ) %>
<% } %>
-sub get_packages {
- my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
- my $conf = shift;
- my @packages = ();
- foreach my $cust_pkg (
- $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
- ? $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs
- : $cust_main->all_pkgs
- ) {
- my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg;
- my %pkg = ();
- #to get back to the original object... should use it in the first place!!
- $pkg{cust_pkg} = $cust_pkg;
- $pkg{part_pkg} = $part_pkg;
- $pkg{pkgnum} = $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
- $pkg{pkg} = $part_pkg->pkg;
- $pkg{pkgpart} = $part_pkg->pkgpart;
- $pkg{comment} = $part_pkg->getfield('comment');
- $pkg{freq} = $part_pkg->freq;
- $pkg{setup} = $cust_pkg->getfield('setup');
- $pkg{last_bill} = $cust_pkg->getfield('last_bill');
- $pkg{next_bill} = $cust_pkg->getfield('bill');
- $pkg{susp} = $cust_pkg->getfield('susp');
- $pkg{expire} = $cust_pkg->getfield('expire');
- $pkg{cancel} = $cust_pkg->getfield('cancel');
- my %svcparts = map {
- $_->svcpart => {
- $_->part_svc->hash,
- 'quantity' => $_->quantity,
- 'count' => $cust_pkg->num_cust_svc($_->svcpart),
- #'services' => [],
- };
- } $part_pkg->pkg_svc;
- foreach my $cust_svc ( $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) {
- #warn "svcnum ". $cust_svc->svcnum. " / svcpart ". $cust_svc->svcpart. "\n";
- my $svc = {
- 'svcnum' => $cust_svc->svcnum,
- 'label' => ($cust_svc->label)[1],
- };
- #false laziness with above, to catch extraneous services. whole
- #damn thing should be OO...
- my $svcpart = ( $svcparts{$cust_svc->svcpart} ||= {
- $cust_svc->part_svc->hash,
- 'quantity' => 0,
- 'count' => $cust_pkg->num_cust_svc($cust_svc->svcpart),
- #'services' => [],
- } );
- push @{$svcpart->{services}}, $svc;
- }
- $pkg{svcparts} = [ values %svcparts ];
- push @packages, \%pkg;
- }
- return \@packages;
-sub svc_link {
- my ($svcpart, $svc) = (shift,shift) or return '';
- return qq!<A HREF="${p}view/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?$svc->{svcnum}">$svcpart->{svc}</A>!;
-sub svc_label_link {
- my ($svcpart, $svc) = (shift,shift) or return '';
- return qq!<A HREF="${p}view/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?$svc->{svcnum}">$svc->{label}</A>!;
-sub svc_provision_link {
- my ($pkg, $svcpart, $conf) = @_;
- ( my $svc_nbsp = $svcpart->{svc} ) =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- my $num_left = $svcpart->{quantity} - $svcpart->{count};
- my $pkgnum_svcpart = "pkgnum$pkg->{pkgnum}-svcpart$svcpart->{svcpart}";
- my $url;
- if ( $svcpart->{svcdb} eq 'svc_external'
- && $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual')
- ) {
- $url = "${p}edit/process/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?".
- "pkgnum=$pkg->{pkgnum}&".
- "svcpart=$svcpart->{svcpart}";
- } else {
- $url = "${p}edit/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
- }
- my $link = qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="$url">!.
- "Provision $svc_nbsp ($num_left)</A>";
- if ( $conf->exists('legacy_link') ) {
- $link .= '<BR>'.
- qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="${p}misc/link.cgi?!.
- qq!$pkgnum_svcpart">!.
- "Link to legacy $svc_nbsp ($num_left)</A>";
- }
- $link;
-sub svc_unprovision_link {
- my $svc = shift or return '';
- qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/unprovision.cgi?$svc->{svcnum}',!.
- qq!'Permanently unprovision and delete this service?')">Unprovision</A>!;
-# This should be generalized to use config options to determine order.
-sub pkgsort_pkgnum_cancel {
- if ($a->{cancel} and $b->{cancel}) {
- return ($a->{pkgnum} <=> $b->{pkgnum});
- } elsif ($a->{cancel} or $b->{cancel}) {
- return (-1) if ($b->{cancel});
- return (1) if ($a->{cancel});
- return (0);
- } else {
- return($a->{pkgnum} <=> $b->{pkgnum});
- }
-sub pkg_datestr {
- my($pkg, $field, $conf) = @_ or return '';
- return ' ' unless $pkg->{$field};
- my $format = $conf->exists('pkg_showtimes')
- ? '<B>%D</B> <FONT SIZE=-3>%l:%M:%S%P %z</FONT>'
- : '<B>%b %o, %Y</B>';
- ( my $strip = time2str($format, $pkg->{$field}) ) =~ s/ (\d)/$1/g;
- $strip;
-sub pkg_change_link {
- my $pkg = shift or return '';
- return qq!<a href="${p}misc/change_pkg.cgi?$pkg->{pkgnum}">!.
- qq!Change package</a>!;
-sub pkg_suspend_link {
- my $pkg = shift or return '';
- return qq!<a href="${p}misc/susp_pkg.cgi?$pkg->{pkgnum}">Suspend</a>!;
-sub pkg_unsuspend_link {
- my $pkg = shift or return '';
- return qq!<a href="${p}misc/unsusp_pkg.cgi?$pkg->{pkgnum}">Unsuspend</a>!;
-sub pkg_cancel_link {
- my $pkg = shift or return '';
- qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/cancel_pkg.cgi?$pkg->{pkgnum}', !.
- qq!'Permanently delete included services and cancel this package?')">!.
- qq!Cancel now</A> | !.
- qq!<A HREF="${p}misc/expire_pkg.cgi?$pkg->{pkgnum}">Cancel later</A>!;
-sub pkg_dates_link {
- my $pkg = shift or return '';
- qq!<A HREF="${p}edit/REAL_cust_pkg.cgi?$pkg->{pkgnum}">Edit dates</A>!;
-sub pkg_customize_link {
- my $pkg = shift or return '';
- my $custnum = shift;
- qq!<A HREF="${p}edit/part_pkg.cgi?keywords=$custnum;clone=$pkg->{pkgpart};!.
- qq!pkgnum=$pkg->{pkgnum}">Customize</A>!;
- Previous message: freeside/httemplate/view/cust_main payment_history.html,NONE,1.1 packages.html,NONE,1.1 order_pkg.html,NONE,1.1 quick-charge.html,NONE,1.1
- Next message: freeside/httemplate/edit part_bill_event.cgi,1.20,1.21
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