[bop-devel] (no subject)

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Mon Sep 26 19:57:08 PDT 2011

On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 09:26:34AM -0700, Kristen Eisenberg wrote:
> Has any one given any thought to implementing the new Partial
> Authorization/Balance Response requirements.

There was some discussion about a year ago 
(http://420.am/pipermail/bop-devel/2010-October/thread.html and 
http://420.am/pipermail/bop-devel/2010-November/thread.html) but I don't think 
anything concrete ever came of it.

> I'm not sure how other processors will handle this, but from what I have
> read so far, AuthorizeNet and PayPal will handle this completely
> differently.
> It appears that for PayPal there is no further actions required for a
> partial auth. However the AuthorizeNet AIM docs state that "All
> transactions are put in a hold state until the final transaction is
> received. This is the transaction with a splitTenderId where the
> remaining amount is approved."

The goal as far as B:OP is concerned would be to expose the functionality in a 
fashion that is as identical across different processors as possible.

In the case where that's impossible and usage must be different (like your 
example above where some processors auto-settle the transactions and others 
don't), we should provide intorspection data (like CC_void_requires_card / 
ECHECK_void_requires_account) to inform the application using B:OP that it 
needs to behave differently.


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