[bop-devel] Future Interchange plans + Business::OnlinePayment

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Thu Apr 14 16:32:50 PDT 2011

Hi Jon,

Good to hear from you and the Interchange folks.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 03:30:08PM -0600, Jon Jensen wrote:
> Interchange has long had a module to interface with BOP, though it's
> been only spottily used due to most users already having set up shop
> with the native Interchange payment modules.
> Now we're looking at starting to use BOP directly, and I wanted to
> ask if anyone can tell us whether the notes about wanting to borrow
> code from Interchange in the BOP development notes are still
> current, or if BOP has got everything you'd expect would be useful
> from Interchange's Vend::Payment::* modules.

I don't think anyone ever looked through the Vend::Payment:: stuff 
to see if there are any un-supported gateways (or unsupported features 
of existing gateways) that would be worth porting over to 
Business::OnlinePayment modules.  

Looking at the list of Vend::Payment:: modules in your source tree, 
these processors have B:OP modules already:


I'm pretty sure these are supported (there's a B:OP:SagePay module; 
SagePay is the new name for Protx), but not sure why you have three 
seprarte modules:


These processors don't appear to have B:OP modules, so they might be 
useful to port over:


Some of them (GoogleCheckout, any others that are third-party payment 
systems and not gateways) may not be relevant to the B:OP framework.

As an aside, we've been working on a prototype framework for third-party 
services like PayPal and Google Checkout, called 
Business::OnlineThirdPartyPayment.  Personally I think we should rename 
before uploading to CPAN.  :)  The base module, a dummy processor module 
and two real processor modules are available from 

> Anyway, if plans for Interchange 6 work out you may see more
> Interchange people showing up here as users and hopefully
> contributors. :)

We may have to setup a bop-users list.  :)

> Finally, what's the procedure for contributing patches to BOP
> modules?

For the ones I maintain, unified diffs with separate changes in separate 
patches are easiest for me to digest.  I'm also happy to have 
co-maintainers and/or provide direct repository access for any of the 
modules I maintain.

Other modules have different maintainers with their own requirements for 
patches and maintenance.  I've always found folks to be reasonable so 

> Does anyone perhaps have Git mirrors of the CVS repositories set up?

Jayce> Ivan's stuff is still cvs, I've been yelling git at him for a 
Jayce> while, but it's low on the list I think :) 

> Heh. Well, Ivan, if you want help converting repos from CVS to Git, 
> I'd be happy to help or just plain do it for you. I've done quite a 
> few migrations from CVS and Subversion to Git now and it's normally 
> pretty quick.

Migrating to git is my long-term plan, but unfortunately yes, with 
things insanely busy at $JOB, it isn't near the top of the list.  The 
actual conversion I've done in a test capacity and it works well.

Ivan Kohler
Open-source billing, ticketing and provisioning
for ISPs, VoIP providers and online businesses

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