[bop-devel] Patch for BOP::AuthorizeNet CPAN bug #15210

Josh Rosenbaum josh at infogears.com
Wed Nov 11 12:59:51 PST 2009

Attached is a patch for BOP::AuthorizeNet version 3.20 that fixes CPAN bug #15210.


It appears this bug is 4 years old, so I'm surprised no one has sent in this simple patch yet. This is a pretty nasty bug.

Brief overview of bug:
If a double quote was included in any input we previously completely broke down, because we could not parse the return value correctly. So we'd report a failure, however, the transaction could in fact have been successful!

Fix Method:
As suggested by Ivan, this fix checks for the encapsulating character in our input. If it exists, we try and grab another encapsulating character. We have a bunch of various character options, but start with the ones given by AuthorizeNet in their example of x_encap_char here:


If we are unable to get a usable encapsulating character we fail out gracefully, without ever having hit the Authorize.Net servers.


-- Josh
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