[bop-devel] AuthorizeNet MD5 Check

Jason Hall jayce at lug-nut.com
Tue Sep 25 17:32:16 PDT 2007

On 9/25/07, Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org> wrote:

> The current way is:
>     $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("AuthorizeNet");
> Where I was suggesting that end-users pick their payment gateway of
> choice and do:
>     $tx = Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet->new;
> Which means you could do:
>     $tx = Business::OnlinePayment::MyAuthorizeNet->new;
> which sub-classes AuthroizeNet.  But, I understand that's not suppose
> to be supported.

yeah the existing way should allows easier switching between modules, which
is addressed as one of your later questions.

> That was my question.  Do people use different processors at the same
> time?

Yes, not uncommon at all, especially when dealing with virtualized companies
(billing as a service for example)

I'd probably do, as above:
>     my $processor = $config->payment_processor;
>     my $gateway = $processor->new ( \%options );

> Suggestions are cheap.  Show us the code.  :)
> Or sure.  Suggestions AND implementation?  That's the hard part. ;)

The fun part too :)  I actually do like the idea of separating out the
object, but like Ivan points out, there are a lot of plugins requiring the
existing framework, and they need to be considered.

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