[bop-devel] AuthorizeNet MD5 Check

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Tue Sep 25 14:18:25 PDT 2007

On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 01:44:26PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at 05:44:43PM -0700, Ivan Kohler wrote:
> > >     http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=15210
> > 
> > Yes, it would be nice to get that one taken care of.  I'm not sure if 
> > either the "silently strip" or "throw error" solutions are really the 
> > right thing, and had the time to really think about what needs to be 
> > done here.  If Authorize.Net can accept some sort of quoting or 
> > esacping, that would be ideal, but IIRC that's not possible.  :/
> The more I look at this problem the more lame Authorize.net (the
> gateway) seems.
> The problem is that Authorize.net doesn't escape x_encap_char in
> responses?  So if you submitted a name of 'William "Bill" Moseley'
> that the response might include:
>     123,345,"some text","William "Bill" Moseley",123
> and cause Text::CSV_XS to fail parsing?  Amazing.


> Looks like you should pick some odd character (tilde?) as the
> delimiter and remove it from imput.


Take a look at the bug report; the submitter makes a good case for *not* 
modifying the input.  It might not be a priority for me personally, but 
I'm convinced enough that we should avoid it if possible.

Ideally, the module should scan the input and pick a delimiter 
on-the-fly that isn't contained in the input data.  That way the only 
case where we would have to throw a fatal error would be the rare case 
where the input contained every possible character.

> And set the x_encap_char to the
> empty string (although that might trigger it to use the default
> setting in the Merchant Interface.  Ugly to have to pick some
> character that the end-user can't use.  Poor implementation.

An empty encap_char works for me, if it works and doens't pull up some 
other default as you speculate.  Otherwise, same process as picking the 
delim_character above.

> Authorize.net is scaring me.

I see you haven't worked with gateways before.  Authorize.net is one of 
the better ones.


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